

Costume design by Attilio Comelli for a Spanish Dancer, 1903, possibly for the ballet, Carmen

Attilio Comelli | Costume design by Attilio Comelli for a Spanish Dancer, 1903, possibly for the ballet, Carmen | Zeichnung | Europa | 1903 | dan_00353

Licensed and provided by: Victoria & Albert Museum (London/United Kingdom) | Licensed under: V&A | Terms & Conditions | Download via: V&A | Search the Collections

Attilio Comelli | Costume design by Attilio Comelli for a Spanish Dancer, 1903, possibly for the ballet, Carmen | Zeichnung | Europa | 1903 | dan_00353 Licensed and provided by: Victoria & Albert Museum (London/United Kingdom) | Licensed under: V&A | Terms & Conditions | Download via: V&A | Search the Collections


Licensed and provided by: Victoria & Albert Museum (London/United Kingdom) | Licensed under: V&A | Terms & Conditions | Download via: V&A | Search the Collections


Costume Design
Place of origin: Europe (designed)
Date: 1903 (designed)
Artist/Maker: Comelli, Attilio, born 1858 - died 1925 (designer)
Materials and Techniques: painted

Public access description
Costume design by Attilio Comelli for a Spanish Dancer, 1903, possibly for the ballet, Carmen.
The image shows a female dancer in an elaborate costume, in tones of deep orange, pale green and dark purple, reminiscent of the dress associated with Spanish Flamenco dancers. The bodice of the dress is deep orange and tightly fitted at the waist and over the hips. The pleated skirt flares out from the dancer’s hips in to a wide swirling hem, banded in green and decorated with white and gold flowers. In her right hand the dancer carries a pale yellow fan and she has a thin purple shawl cast over her right shoulder. Her left arm is encased in a tight dark
green sleeve painted with floral motifs which reaches to a point just above her elbow. Her hair is very elaborately dressed with a large group of scarlet flowers above her right ear and a high delicate comb at the back from which a purple mantilla, painted with swirling gold motifs is suspended.

Descriptive line
Costume design by Attilio Comelli for a Spanish Dancer, 1903, possibly for the ballet, Carmen

Physical description
The image shows a female dancer in an elaborate costume, in tones of deep orange, pale green and dark purple, reminiscent of the dress associated with Spanish Flamenco dancers. The bodice of the dress is deep orange and tightly fitted at the waist and over the hips. The pleated skirt flares out from the dancer’s hips in to a wide swirling hem, banded in green and decorated with white and gold flowers. In her right hand the dancer carries a pale yellow fan and she has a thin purple shawl cast over her right shoulder. Her left arm is encased in a tight dark
green sleeve painted with floral motifs which reaches to a point just above her elbow. Her hair is very elaborately dressed with a large group of scarlet flower.


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