Detox Dance is a liquid urban sculpture. The choreography of Detox Dance is based on movements of relaxation, of a liquid flow. The movements are expression of an ongoing process of “becoming“. It is based on the principle of personal relaxation understood as an act of political detention. The experience of dancing together has potential for personal transformation. Detox Dance manifests a practice of inclusion, it expresses our desire for a boundless common future.
Detox Dance is a participatory performance with the character of a Square Dance. It is practiced with interested participants Normally, a call for dancers goes out on social media to aquire new dancers if we need more persons. Detox Dance needs at least 8 Dancers on stage. It is a choreography that everyone can learn. A dance sequence lasts 8 minutes. The performance consists of one sequence with the lead dancers and a repetition with the audience. Detox Dance is a liquid urban sculpture, danced in public spaces, on squares or in institutions such as universities, museums, contemporary art spaces.
Detox Dance
Monica Diener | Detox Dance | Photographie | Schweiz | 2016 | vis_00075_1
Rights held by: Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv | Licensed by: Monica Diener | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv – RJSaK (Zurich/Switzerland)
Rights held by: Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv | Licensed by: Monica Diener | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv – RJSaK(Zurich/Switzerland)
- Monica Diener (Künstler_in)
- RR Marki (Performer_in)
- Milena Petrovic (Veranstalter)
- Esther Maria Häusler (Choreograph_in)
- Ed Repair (Tonmischung)
- Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv – RJSaK
20 min.sek Dauer der Ausstrahlung