Interview Jeremy Harte with Grattopn Puxon
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30048

2018, pho_00281

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00244

Interview mit Diego Carrasco Férnandez
Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00242

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00243

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00241

Interview mit Fernando el de la Morena
Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00245

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00246

Interview mit Manuela Carrasco
Manuela Carrasco, 2017, fla_00247

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00249

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00248

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00250

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00251

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00252

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00253

Interview mit Tomás de Perrate
Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00254

Gonzalo Montaño Peña, 2017, fla_00255
Interview Pétia IOURTCHENKO L'enseignement de la danse tzigane
Pétia Iourtchenko, 2010, dan_00582
Sofiya Zahova, 9. September 2017 - 2017-09, lit_00117

Interview with Alina Serban about her selected performance and Roma theater
Dragan Ristic, 23. Februar 2018, the_01027

Interview with David Tišer about his selected performance and Roma theater
Dragan Ristic, 3. Juni 2016, the_01006

Dragan Ristic, 14. Januar 2018, the_01003

Interview with Dragan Vasović about his selected performance and Roma theater
Dragan Ristic, 14. Januar 2018, the_01018
Sofiya Zahova, 14. Oktober 2017, lit_00515
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Broadening the Struggle
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_3
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Danger of co-option of youth and intellectuals
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_4
Interview with Grattan Puxon. First World Romani Congress
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_1
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Strategies of non-violent resistence
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_2
Media Laboratory – University Texas (Austin), 2017, rom_30062
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30062_1
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30062_2

Interview with Igor Krykunov about his selected performances and Roma theater
Dragan Ristic, 17. November 2017, the_01011

Dragan Ristic, 6. Oktober 2018, the_01023
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30047_2
Interview with Jim Davies. Personal background and struggle
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30047_1
Sofiya Zahova, 17. November 2017, lit_00514

Interview with Karol Adam about the selected performances and Roma theater
Dragan Ristic, 3. Juni 2017, the_01001
Interview with Lilyana Kovacheva
Sofiya Zahova, 15. September 2017, lit_00123
Interview with Luminiţa Mihai Cioabă
Sofiya Zahova, 14. Oktober 2017, lit_00516