The third evening of the series of readings ‘When the sun goes down to rest, seize the last ray’ featured Ceija Stojka’s autobiographical works from 1988 and 1992. The author also sang for the audience, accompanied by her son Hojda, her nephew Harri, her niece Doris and other musicians.
At the beginning of the reading, Ceija Stojka presented one of those poems that express her love for untouched nature, which here serves as a symbol of freedom and vitality. Florentin Groll read ‘On a green meadow’ in German, followed by excerpts from [Wir leben im Verborgenen [We live in seclusion] and Reisende auf dieser Welt [Travellers in this world].
Nitsche, Gerald (ed.). 1990. Österreichische Lyrik – und kein Wort Deutsch. Zeitgenössische Dichtung der Minoritäten. Innsbruck: Haymon Verlag, p. 12.