

Delegation of the Comité International Rom de Paris

Jean-Pierre Liegeois | Delegation of the Comité International Rom de Paris | photograph | France | 1972 | rom_90003

Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive

Jean-Pierre Liegeois | Delegation of the Comité International Rom de Paris | photograph | France | 1972 | rom_90003 Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive


Rights held by: Jean-­Pierre Liégeois I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Jean-Pierre Liégeois – Private Archive


A delegation of the Comité International Rom lay a wreath of flowers in memory of Roma and Travellers in KL-Natzweiler, the Struthof concentration camp in Alsace, in April 1972. Nearly 22,000 internees, many of them Roma, died in the camp. “Delegation of the Comité International Rom de Paris” is only correct in the sense the people pictured had come from Paris, rather than “de Paris” being part of the name of the organization. Second in a series of photographs related this commemoration.

Thomas Acton (2017)


En avril 1972, dépôt d’une gerbe de fleurs en mémoire des Roms et Voyageurs victimes du régime nazi, au camp de concentration du Struthof, en Alsace, le KL-Natzweiler. Près de 22000 déportés, parmi lesquels des Tsiganes, sont morts dans ce camp.


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Délégation du Comité International Rom de Paris
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