

»Wenn die Sonne zur Ruhe geht, ergreif den letzten Strahl«: Romaliteratur mit musikalischen Akzenten in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek

April 25, 1994 - April 29, 1994

»Wenn die Sonne zur Ruhe geht, ergreif den letzten Strahl«: Romaliteratur mit musikalischen Akzenten in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek

This series of readings (English translation: ‘When the sun goes down to rest, seize the last ray’) took place during the book exhibition Wege zur Romaliteratur [Paths to Romani literature], which was held from 14 April to 6 May 1994 in the Austrian National Library. Both events were part of Roma – Mythos und Wirklichkeit [Roma – Myth and Reality], which, held from 13 to 29 April 1994 and organized by the Viennese association Romano Centro, featured concerts, exhibitions, theatre and dance performances as well as lectures.

Within the framework of this series of readings, which were conceived by Beate Eder-Jordan, well-known authors presented a selection of their works: Rajko Djurić and Ilija Jovanović, Luminiţa Mihai Cioabă, Ceija Stojka, József Holdosi, as well as Emil Cina, Tera Fabiánová and Ilona Ferková. The evenings were rounded off by performances of Romani musicians from Serbia (Ensemble Pera Petrović), Romania (Ensemble Johnny Raducanu), Austria (Ceija Stojka and Ruzsa Nikolić-Lakatos, each with respective family members) and the Czech Republic (Jan and Magda Slepčík).

Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz


literature, literary reading, prose, lyric poetry