

»Früher bekam ich Unterstützung von der Stadtverwaltung, jetzt bekomme ich nichts«

Charlotte Koslovsky | »Früher bekam ich Unterstützung von der Stadtverwaltung, jetzt bekomme ich nichts« | self-evidence | Imperial Commissariat East Germany | Jan. 7, 1942 | voi_00053

Rights held by: Lonny Indus | Provided by: National Archives of Estonia (Tallinn/Estonia) | Archived under: ERA /3734 / 4 /406

Rakvere Linna Korterikomisjonile

Charlotte Koslovski, elukoht
Rakveres, Aia tn 19.


Minu abikaasa Johannes Koslovsky nimel on korter Rakveres,
Aia tn 19-4. Tema on juba 4 a. voodis haige kannatades langetõve ja
kopsuhaiguse all, nii et on sunnitud kogu aeg voodis lamama. Meil
on ülalpidada 4 last, Mathilde 1,5a, Liine 3a, Jürka 9a, Fritz 14a.
Johannes Koslovsky ei ole juba aastaid töövõimeline, ning mina toidan
kogu perekonda. Varem maksin mina selle korteri eest 28 rubla, 45 kopikat.
Nüüd määrati mulle üür 100 rubla, ning novembri kuu eest tagasiulatuvalt
71 rubla 49 kopikat.
Meie tarvitada on 1 tuba ja köök, ning nendegi kasutamine on raske
kütte puudusel, ning seinte vahelt sajab lund sisse. Mina ei ole
kuidagi suuteline tasuma selle korteri üüri 100 rubla ning lisaks novembri
kuu eest. Minu teenistus kõik kulub ära pere ja laste söögiks ning kütteks,
ka sain mina varem linnavalitsuse poolt abi, kuid nüüd ei saa sugugi.
Kuna mina ei suuda tasuda mingitel tingimustel nii kõrget üüri, palun
Korterikomisjoni: alandada selle korteri üüri 30 rubla peale kuus ning
vabastada ühtlasi novembrikuu lisarahast. Kui võimalik palun minule ja perele
anda mõni teine davam korter kusagilt mujalt.

Sch. Koslovsky
Rakveres, 7.I.42.


Sellest majast pidid kõik
mustlased välja minema
Linnavalitsuse korralduse alusel.

An die Wohnungsvermietungskommission der Stadt Rakvere

Charlotte Koslovsky, Wohnsitz
Rakvere, Aia-Straße 19


Mein Ehemann, Johannes Koslovsky, hält unter seinem Namen eine Wohnung in der Aia-Straße 19-4 in Rakvere. Er ist seit nunmehr 4 Jahren bettlägrig, da er an Unwohlsein und einer Lungenkrankheit leidet, sodass er dazu gezwungen ist, dauerhaft das Bett zu hüten. Wir kümmern uns um 4 Kinder: die anderthalb Jahre alte Mathilde, die drei Jahre alte Liine, den neun Jahre alten Jurka und den vierzehn Jahre alten Fritz. Johannes Koslovsky ist seit Jahren nicht mehr arbeitsfähig, also [bin] ich [es, die] die ganze Familie ernährt. Ich zahlte für diese Wohnung früher 28 Rubel und 45 Kopeken. Nun wurde meine Miete auf 100 Rubel festgesetzt, mit einer rückwirkenden Zahlung für November [in Höhe von] 71 Rubel und 49 Kopeken. Wir haben ein Zimmer und eine Küche zur Verfügung, doch selbst das ist schwer warm zu halten, da das Feuerholz knapp wird und der Schnee durch die Wände dringt. Es wird mir nie gelingen, 100 Rubel für diese Wohnung zu zahlen und die Zahlung für den Monat November zu tilgen. All meine Verdienste fließen in den Unterhalt der Familie und der Kinder, ebenso in die Heizkosten. Früher bekam ich Unterstützung von der Stadtverwaltung, jetzt bekomme ich nichts. Da es mir unter keinen Umständen möglich sein wird, eine derart hohe Miete zu zahlen, bitte ich die Wohnungsvermietungskommission, die Miete für diese Wohnung auf 30 Rubel herabzusetzen und die zusätzliche Zahlung für November zu annullieren. Wenn möglich, bitten wir darum, mich und meine Familie in eine billigere Wohnung an einem anderen Ort umzusiedeln.

Ch. Koslovsky
in Rakvere, 7.1.42


Alle Roma* mussten dieses Gebäude entsprechend der Verordnung der Stadtverwaltung verlassen.

To Rakvere Town Apartment Rental Commission

Charlotte Koslovsky, domicile
Rakvere, 19 Aia street


My husband, Johannes Koslovsky, has an apartment on 19-4 Aia street in Rakvere under his name. He has been bedridden already for 4 years, suffering from malaise and lung disease, so that he is forced to lie in bed all the time. We take care of 4 children: one-and-a-half-year-old Mathilde, three-year-old Liine, nine-year-old Jurka, fourteen-year-old Fritz. Johannes Koslovsky has been unfit to work for years, so [it is] I [who] am feeding the whole family. I used to pay 28 rubles and 45 kopecks for this apartment. Now my rent is set at 100 rubles, with retroactive payment for November [in the amount of] 71 rubles and 49 kopecks. We have one room and a kitchen at our disposal, but even those are difficult to maintain due to the firewood shortage while snow gets between the walls. I will never be able to pay 100 rubles in rent for this apartment, plus the payment for the month of November. All my earnings are spent on food for the family and children, also heating. Earlier I did receive assistance from the city government, now I receive none. As I will not be able to pay such a high rent under any circumstances, I request the Apartment Rental Commission to lower the rent for this apartment to 30 rubles per month and also cancel the extra payment for November. If possible, please allocate me and my family some cheaper apartment somewhere else.

Ch. Koslovsky
in Rakvere, 7.1.42

[Marginal note]
All Roma* had to leave this building according to the resolution by the city government

Dži ke Foroski Komisija vaš o kherutnipe

Charlotte Koslovsky, bešipasko than
Rakvere, Aia ulica19.


Muro rrom, o Johannes Koslovsky, pe pesko anav istarel jekh stani ande Aia ulica 19-4 ando Rakvere. Vov aba 4 berš pašljol kaj si le depresija thaj nasvalipe po kolin thaj si phanglo ko pato. Amen las sama pe 4 čhavora: jekh thaj dopaš beršengi Mathilde, trine beršengi Liine, enja beršengo Jurka, dešuštar beršengo Fritz. O Johannes Koslovsky kerelas buti sa dži angleder štar berš, thaj vov sas vi dureder jekhutno manuš so pravarelas sa e familija. Me pokinavas 28 rubli thaj 45 kopejki vaš kodo stani. Akana muri renta si 100 rubli, palune pokinimasa kotar o Novembri 71 rubli thaj 49 kopejki. Amen si jekh soba thaj kiravni kote so bešas, numa vi kodo phares šaj te tatol, kaj naj amen kašta tatimaske vi kodo so o jiv del andre maškar e zidura. Me našti te pokinav kadala 100 rubli vaš o stani, thaj o pokinipe vaš o čhon Novembri. Sa mure love so lav avri dav vaš o xabe mure familijake thaj mure čhavorenge, thaj vi tatimaske. Angleder lavas varesavo ažutipe e foroske institucijatar, numa akana či lav khanči. Sostar me našti nisar te pokinav kodi uči kirija, rodav kotar e Komisija vaš o kherutnipe te teljarel i kirija vaš kodo stani pe 30 rubli ko čhon thaj vi te čhinel o pokinibe vaš o čhon Novembri. Te šaj, rodav tumendar muri familija te laden ko aver stano so naj kobor kuč, ko aver than te nakhel.

Ch. Koslovsky
ando Rakvere, 7.1.42

[rigako dohramope]
Sa e Rroma* trubun te džan avral kotar kodo baro kher, sar so phenel i Rezolucija kotar e foroski kancelarija.


Rights held by: Lonny Indus | Provided by: National Archives of Estonia (Tallinn/Estonia) | Archived under: ERA /3734 / 4 /406


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Charlotte Koslovsky
1.44 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Charlotte Koslovsky | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00113


From sickbed to concentration camp

This letter by Charlotte Koslovsky (b. 1911) is one of the few documents on the increasingly difficult conditions many Roma were forced to live in German-occupied Estonia. The Koslovsky family had moved to Rakvere at the beginning of 1937, whereby the father of the family, Johannes Koslovsky (b. 1890 in Latvia), was already seriously ill and thus unable to work. Prior to this, the family had lived in the Soviet Union and Johannes Koslovsky had worked as a horse trader. He had ten children from his first marriage and a further two with Charlotte Koslovsky. In May 1937 he was granted free medical care. During the Soviet occupation of Estonia, the family also received financial support in the amount of 10 rubles for the five minor-aged children August (b. 1924), Fritz (1928), Jurka (1930), Liine (1938) and Matilde (1940). Following an application by Charlotte Koslovsky from March 1941, an increase in support payments to 20 rubles a month was approved; however, just three days later it was decided to limit this increase to a one-off payment. In September 1941, the Executive Committee of Rakvere Social Department found that the family still needed help. Nevertheless, a drastic rent increase of more than 300 per cent followed. Later, the city authorities ordered all Roma to vacate the building on Aia street.

Together with his children Fritz and Jurka, Johannes Koslovsky was committed to the Tallinn ‘work and education camp’ on 10 February 1942. His wife Charlotte and their daughter Liine were murdered on 27 October 1942 during the mass execution of Roma in the Harku concentration camp. The disabled son August was most likely no longer living with the couple in January 1942. What happened to August is unknown, similarly the fate of the youngest daughter, Matilde.


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Charlotte Koslovsky
1.44 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Charlotte Koslovsky | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00113


übersetzer Titel
‘Earlier I did receive assistance from the city government, now I receive none’
übersetzer Titel
»Angleder lavas ažutipe e foroske institucijatar, akana na lav khanči«
Jan. 7, 1942
Production Credits
Object Category
Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

subjects World War II, Genocide, period 1933 - 1945