Hullun taiteilijan päiväkirja [Diary of a Mad Artist] is visually different from other comic books such as Gipsy comix: it contains not strips but mainly large pictures covering the whole page or at least most of it.
There are many features similar to those of the Memesa Trilogy. While the diary includes a scene with the protagonist sitting on the toilet and musing about art and writing, the trilogy describes a similar setting, albeit with a different topic.
Many pictures describe the joys and torments of creative work. Some of them portray the protagonist with short dark hair thinking or daydreaming about a blonde with long hair, who obviously does not reciprocate the dark-haired woman’s feelings.
Source of text sample
Lumberg, Kiba. 2010. Hullun taiteilijan päiväkirja (”Diary of a Mad Artist”). Helsinki: Kiban Aurinkogalleria, p. 13.