

»Ich bin seit dem Jahr 1938 Witwe, habe fünf Kinder«

Anna Bilá | »Ich bin seit dem Jahr 1938 Witwe, habe fünf Kinder« | self-evidence | Slovakian Republic | July 25, 1942 | voi_00060

Rights held by: Anna Bilá | Provided by: State Archive Prešov (Prešov/Slovakia) | Archived under: ŠZŽ-Adm / 1942 / Nr. 40 414/42 / Petition submitted by Anna Bilá (born Lacková) / 25. Juli 1942

Okresný úrad
V Prešove.-

Podpisaná menom Anna Bilá rod. Lacková obyvatelka obce Kapu-
šany prosím Vás úctive, ráčte dať súhlas k tomu, aby môj syn, Šte-
fan Bilý, narodený v roku 1920.bol prepustený z pracovného stre-
diska na Petiči.-
Prosbu svojú odôvodňujem tým, že som vdova od roku 1938.- Mám
spolu 5 deti, z kterých sú 3 doma. Najmladšie dieťa má 8 rokov.-
nemám žiadon majetek, žijeme z práce dvoch rúk. Nachádzame sa v
núdze, lebo dosavad som žiadon peniaz neobrdžala zo zárobku moj-
ho syna za túto dobu, čo je v pracovnom stredisku.-
Dufajúc v priaznivom riešení mojej žiadosti, ostávam:
v Kapušanoch, dňa 25-júla 1942.-

Na stráž!
[vlastnoruční podpis] Anna Bila r. Lacková

Rada obce v Kapušanoch týmto úradn svedčí, že dôvody žiada-
teľkou vo výšoznačenej žiadosti sú pravdivé.-
v Kapušanoch, dna 25.VII.1942.-


[Drei Stempelmarken des Slowakischen Staates im Wert von 1, 5 und 2 [Kronen]
mit 2 Stempeln: Überstempelt]

Sehr geehrtes
in Přešov.

Die Unterzeichnende mit Namen Anna Bilá, geb. Lacková, Einwohnerin der Gemeinde Kapušany. Ich bitte Sie aufrichtig, freundlicherweise Ihre Zustimmung zu geben, dass mein Sohn Štefan Bilý, geboren im Jahre 1920, aus dem Arbeitslager in Petič entlassen wird.
Meine Bitte begründe ich damit, dass ich seit dem Jahr 1938 Witwe bin. Ich habe 5 Kinder, von denen 3 zu Hause sind. Das jüngste Kind ist 8 Jahre alt. Ich habe kein Vermögen, wir leben von der Arbeit zweier Hände. Ich bin in Not, denn bislang habe ich kein Geld aus dem Verdienst meines Sohnes für den Zeitraum erhalten, in dem er in dem Arbeitslager ist.
In der Hoffnung auf eine positive Erledigung meines Antrags verbleibe ich:
Kapušany, den 25. Juli 1942.

Seid wachsam!

Anna Bila geb. Lacková

Der Gemeinderat in Kapušany bezeugt hiermit amtlich, dass die durch die Antragstellerin erwähnten Gründe in dem oben aufgeführten Antrag der Wahrheit entsprechen.
Kapušany, den 25. VII. 1942.




29. VII. 1942 22621

[three stamp marks of the Slovak state in the value of 1, 5 und 2 [crowns]
with 2 stamps: stamped over]

Dear District Office
in Přešov.

The undersigned, Anna Bilá, née Lacková, resident of the Kapušany municipality. I sincerely request that you kindly agree to have my son Štefan Bilý, born in 1920, released from the labour camp in Petič.
I justify my request with the fact that I’ve been a widow since 1938. I have 5 children, 3 of them are still living at home. The youngest is 8 years old. I have no assets, we live on the work done by two hands. I am living in poverty because I have not received any money from my son’s earnings for the period he has been in the labour camp.
In the hope of a positive resolution to my petition I remain sincerely yours:
Kapušany, 25 July 1942.

Stay vigilant!

Anna Bila née Lacková

The municipal council in Kapušany herewith confirms that the reasons mentioned by the petitioner in the petition aboveare true.
Kapušany, 25. VII. 1942.




29. VII. 1942 22621


[trin postake marke kotar o slovakijako them kuč 1, 5 thaj 2 [krune]
Duje stampilonca: upral lende]

Thaneski Kancelarija
ano Přešov.

Tele skrinisardi i Anna Bilá, bijami Lacková, trajil ande Kapušany komuna. Putarde vilesa rodav tumendar, mure čhavores, e Štefan Bilýes, bijamo ko 1920 berš, te muken andar o Bućako Lager ando Petič.
Rodav tumendar kodo, sostar me sem birromeski rromni kotar 1938 berš. Isi man 5 čhavore, 3 olendar vi dureder dživen manca khere. O majterno si 8 beršengo. Naj amen sostar te dživas, trajisaras kotar e buti kadale duje vastendar. Dživas ando baro čorolipe thaj dži akana me na lijem nisave love kotar muro phureder čhavo so vov pe kodi vrama si ando Bućako Lager.
Adžikernindos pozitivno keripe vaš muri peticija mangav tumenge but baxt thaj sastipe:
Kapušany, 25 Juli 1942.

Len sama!

Anna Bila bijami Lacková

E komunako konsilo ando Kapušany dela konfirmacija kaj kodo so si skrinisardo ande peticija upreder čačipe si.
Kapušany, 25. VII. 1942.

našti ginavelpe


Našti ginavle pes

29. VII. 1942 22621


Rights held by: Anna Bilá | Provided by: State Archive Prešov (Prešov/Slovakia) | Archived under: ŠZŽ-Adm / 1942 / Nr. 40 414/42 / Petition submitted by Anna Bilá (born Lacková) / 25. Juli 1942


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Anna Bilá
0.46 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Anna Bilá | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00120


Escape – the last resort

After the death of his father, Štefan Bilý, born in 1920, provided for his mother and three minor-aged siblings Upon his deportation to a forced labour camp in the summer of 1942, the family became destitute overnight.

The 22-year-old Bilý was sent to a camp in Petič that was one of the many ‘labour camps’ erected in Slovakia for allegedly ‘asocial’ persons. Assigned to ‘work details’, the men performed extremely strenuous physical work constructing the railway line between Prešov and Strážske. As in all the camps, living conditions here were harsh, supplies of food and drinking water poor, hygiene facilities catastrophic, the living quarters miserable and the behaviour of the guards often brutal. Many of the forced recruits attempted to gain release from the camps through petitions submitted by relatives. If this proved unsuccessful, some turned to self-mutilation so that they could no longer work and therefore hopefully be released as unemployable.

Escaping the camp was the other alternative. Evidently, Štefan Bilý had tried to escape the Petič camp twice, for in a letter dated 15 October 1942 the gendarmerie administration cited these attempts as the reason for rejecting the petition submitted by the mother, Anna Bila ,for the release of her son.

The formal greeting at the end of the petition – ‘Stay vigilant!’ – was the battle cry of the Hlinka Guard and was compulsory in all letters to the public authorities in the Slovak state from 1939 to 1945.


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Anna Bilá
0.46 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Anna Bilá | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00120


übersetzer Titel
»Me sem birromeski kotar o 1938 berš, si ma pandž čhavore«
übersetzer Titel
‘I’ve been a widow since 1938. I have 5 children’
July 25, 1942
Production Credits
  • Anna Bilá (Author) (Kapušany, Slovakian Republic)
Object Category
Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

period 1933 - 1945