

»Ich bitte Sie aufrichtig, dass der Genannte aus dem Arbeitslager entlassen wird«

Helena Maňkošová | »Ich bitte Sie aufrichtig, dass der Genannte aus dem Arbeitslager entlassen wird« | self-evidence | Slovakian Republic | July 25, 1942 | voi_00058

Rights held by: Helena Maňkošová | Provided by: State Archive Prešov (Prešov/Slovakia) | Archived under: ŠZŽ-Adm / 1942 / No. 40 414/42 / Petition submitted by Helena Maňkošová / 25 July 1942

Okresný úrad
V Prešove.-

Podpisaná menom Helena Maňkošová obyvateľka obce Kapu-
šany, družka Jozefa Horvátha, narodeného v roku 1911. prosím Vás úctive,
ráčte dať súhlas k tomu, aby menovaný bol prepustený z pracovného stre-
diska na Petiči.-
Prosbu svojú odôvodňujem tým, že spolu žijeme už deviaty
rok, za túto dobu narodilo sa nám 4-deti, z kterých je najmladšie vo
veku 5 mesiacov a najstaršie 8 ročné.- Ja od těchto deti do práce nemô-
žem odisť, lebo deti nemôžem bez dozoru nechať, dosavad som žiadnych
finančných prostiredkov neobdržala, nachádzam sa v úplnej núdze.
Prosiac o priaznivé vybavenie mojej žiadosti, ostávam:
v Kapušanoch, dňa 25. júla 1942.-

Na stráž!

[vlastnoruční podpis] Helena Maňkošová.

Rada obce v Kapušanoch týmto úradne svečí, že dôvody žiada-
teľkou vo výšoznačenej žiadosti pravde zodpovedajú.-
v Kapušanoch, dňa 25. júla 1942.-

[Drei Stempelmarken des Slowakischen Staates im Wert von 1, 5 und 2 Slowakischen Kronen mit 2 Stempeln: Überstempelt]

Sehr geehrtes
in Přešov.

Die Unterzeichnende mit Namen Helena Maňkošová, Einwohnerin der Gemeinde Kapušany, Lebensgefährtin des Jozef Horváth, geboren im Jahre 1911. Ich bitte Sie aufrichtig, freundlicherweise Ihre Zustimmung zu geben, dass der Genannte aus dem Arbeitslager in Petič entlassen wird.
Meine Bitte begründe ich damit, dass wir schon neun Jahre zusammenleben, in diesem Zeitraum wurden uns 4 Kinder geboren, von denen das jüngste 5 Monate und das älteste 8 Jahre alt ist. Ich kann wegen dieser Kinder nicht arbeiten gehen oder die Kinder ohne Aufsicht lassen, bisher habe ich keine Finanzmittel erhalten und bin völlig mittellos.
Ich bitte um die freundliche Erledigung meines Antrags und verbleibe:
Kapušany, den 25. Juli 1942.

Seid wachsam!

Helena Maňkošková

Der Gemeinderat in Kapušany bezeugt hiermit amtlich, dass die durch die Antragstellerin erwähnten Gründe in dem oben aufgeführten Antrag der Wahrheit entsprechen.-
Kapušany, den 25. Juli 1942.

29. VII. 1942 22618

Kreis Přešov


[Three stamps of the Slovak state in the value of 1, 5 and 2 Slovak crowns with 2 stamps: stamped over]

Dear District Office
in Přešov.

The undersigned, Helena Maňkošová, resident of the Kapušany municipality, is the spouse of Jozef Horváth, born in 1911. I sincerely request your kind approval to allow the release of the named person from the labour camp in Petič.
I justify my request on the grounds that we’ve been living together for nine years, during which time we have had 4 children, the youngest just 5 months old, the eldest 8 years of age. Because of the children I cannot take on any work nor can I leave them unsupervised, up until now I have not received any financial support and I am now completely penniless.
I kindly request that my petition be granted and remain sincerely yours:

Kapušany, 25 July 1942.

Stay vigilant!

Helena Maňkošková

The Kapušany municipal council herewith confirms that the reasons mentioned by the petitioner in the petitionabove are true.-

29. VII. 1942 22618

[round stamp]
Přešov District


[Trin postake marke kotar slovakiako them kuč 1, 5 thaj 2 slovakiake kruni duje štampilonca upral olende]

Drago Thaneski kancelarija
ando Přešov.

Tele skrinisardi, Helena Maňkošová, trajil ande Kapušany komuna, si rromni e Jozef Horváthoski, bijamo ko 1911 berš. Putarde vilesa rodav tumendar te muken e leparde manušes andar o Bućako Lager ando Petič.
Kodo rodav tumendar, kaj amen kethanes trajovas enja berša, thaj pe kodi vrama si amen 4 čhavore, o majcikno si numa 5 čhonengo, thaj o majphureder si 8 beršengo. Sebet e čhavore me našti te kerav varesavi buti, vaj te mukav olen korkore. Dži akana na lijem nisavo finansijako ažutipe thaj akana sem bilovengi.
Ačhovindos najisaribasa, lačhes rodav tumendar te pheren muro rodipe:

Kapušany, 25 Juli 1942.

Len sama!

Helena Maňkošková

E Kapušany komunako Konsilo kerel konfirmacija kaj kodo so phendas i manušni ande peticija čačipe si.-

29. VII. 1942 22618

[trujalo štampilo]
Přešov Distrikto

Našti te ginavelpe
Forosko šerutno


Rights held by: Helena Maňkošová | Provided by: State Archive Prešov (Prešov/Slovakia) | Archived under: ŠZŽ-Adm / 1942 / No. 40 414/42 / Petition submitted by Helena Maňkošová / 25 July 1942


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Helena Maňkošková
0.48 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Helena Maňkošková | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00118


Forced labour in the Petič camp

In June 1942 Jozef Horváth was detained in his hometown of Kapušany and transported to one of the ‘labour camps’ that was being set up that summer in eastern Slovakia. Though employed and demonstrably capable of providing for himself, his partner and their four minor-aged children, Josef Horváth was deported to the Petič camp for men stigmatized as ‘asocial’. His case proves the racist character of the deportation of Roma to the forced labour camps.

In 1996 Jozef Horváth gave an account in the Romani language of the horrific conditions in the camp in an interview with the leading Czech Romani expert Milena Hübschmannová: ‘Oh, my God! I’m telling you – we ate once a day! Such horrible food! [spoken in a choking voice] – like for pigs! Such horrible food.’ He also recalled a particularly brutal guard. According to Jozef Horváth, this man ‘beat us with anything that was near! A hard, very hard camp it was […] Oh my God! You couldn’t do anything, nothing whatsoever, not to be beaten up.’

The situation facing the destitute Helena Maňkošková at home was no less desperate. She and her children managed to survive only thanks to the support of her father, who worked as a bricklayer. Her petition to gain the release of her partner from the camp was written with the help of an official from the Kapušany municipality. The gendarmerie administration of the camp confirmed that Horváth’s conduct was due and proper and he could be released to return to work for his earlier employer. He was threatened, however, that he would be committed to the camp again should he fail to fulfil his obligation to work.

A copy of the 32-minute long interview with Josef Horváth, conducted in Romani for the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University, New Haven (USA), is held in the collection of the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno.


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Helena Maňkošková
0.48 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Helena Maňkošková | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00118


übersetzer Titel
‘I sincerely request the release of the named person from the labour camp’
übersetzer Titel
»Putarde vilesa rodav te muken e leparde manušes andar o bućako Lager«
July 25, 1942
Production Credits
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Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

period 1933 - 1945