

»Ich werde wohl nicht nach Hause zurückkehren«

Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov | »Ich werde wohl nicht nach Hause zurückkehren« | self-evidence | Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic | Nov. 1, 1942 | voi_00054

Rights held by: Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov | Provided by: Raja Dement – Private Archive | Published by: Nikolai Bessonov Cyganskaja tragedija 1941-1945 – Fakty, dokumenty. vospominanija (Vol. 2). Sankt-Petersburg 2010. P. 45–46

Moscow 81
Factory line no. 20
Apartment no. 37 Pasevič
Marija Viktorovna
P.P.C. No. 1640, department
No. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič

Letter of 1 November 1942.
In the first lines of my letter I send you all my love and wish everyone all the best for your lives. I congratulate you for the feast day and the October celebrations, it is always worthwhile to spend this day like never before in joy and happiness a mengė dorėselope [Romani = but I’m copping a real hiding]. I send ardent greetings to Vitja and Raečka golev najavava kchėrė [Romani = I almost certainly won’t be returning home]. I also send love to Maksim and [my] sister Njura. My dear wife, please write back and tell me how mama is doing, how’s her health. Don’t worry, I’m alive and healthy. Fare thee well.
I send you all lots of kisses and ask that you write more. Your husband Vanja.

My address:
P.P.C. No. 1640, Dept. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič

Москва 81
Линия дом № 20
Кв № 37 Пасевич
Мария Викторовна
П.П.С. № 1640 подразделен[и]е
№ 075 Иванов Иван Иванович.
[почтовая печеть]

Письмо 1 ноября 42 года.

[В первых] строках моего пис[ь]ма шлю я вам свой сердечный привет и желаю всего хорошего [в] вашей жизн[и]. [По]здавляю вас [с] праздником [и с] Октябрьскими торжествами, провести стоит[ь] ден[ь] как никогда [в веселье] и в радости а менгэ дорэселопе [= а мне достается]. Шлю горячий привет детям Вите и Ра[е]чке голев наявава кхэрэ [= видно, домой не вернусь]. Еще кланяюсь Максиму и сестре Нюре. Дорогая жена[,] прошу тебя напиш[и] как живет мама и как ее здоров[ь]е[.] [Обо мне] небеспоко[йся] я ж[и]в и здоров[,] затем [до свидания].
Крепко целую вас[,] прошу пиш[и] ч[а]ще пис[ь]ма[.] Ваш му[ж] Ваня.
Мой [а]дрес
П.П.С. № 1640 подразделен[и]е № 075 Иванов Иван Иванович.

Moskau 81
Fabriklinie Nr. 20
Wohnung Nr. 37 Pasevič
Marija Viktorovna
P.P.C. Nr. 1640, Abteilung
Nr. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič

Brief vom 1. November 1942.

In den ersten Zeilen meines Briefes sende ich Euch einen herzlichen Gruß und wünsche alles Gute für Euer Leben. Ich gratuliere Euch zum Fest und zu den Oktoberfeierlichkeiten, es ist wert, diesen Tag wie nie zuvor in Fröhlichkeit und Freude zu verbringen a mengė dorėselope [auf Romanes geschrieben = aber ich kriege es (hier) richtig ab]. Einen heißen Gruß sende ich an Vitja und Raečka golev najavava kchėrė [auf Romanes geschrieben = ich werde wohl nicht nach Hause zurückkehren]. Auch Maksim und [meine] Schwester Njura grüße ich. Meine liebe Frau, schreibe mir bitte, wie es Mama geht und was ihre Gesundheit macht. Sei unbesorgt, ich lebe und bin gesund. Also auf Wiedersehen.
Ich küsse Euch kräftig und bitte Dich, mir häufiger einen Brief zu schreiben. Euer Mann Vanja.
Meine Adresse [lautet:]
P.P.C. Nr. 1640, Abteilung Nr. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič

[Dži ko]
Moskva 81
Fabrikaki linija No. 20
Apartmento No. 37 Pasevič
Marija Viktorovna
P.P.C. No. 1640, than
No. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič

                                           Lil kotar o 1. Novembri 1942.

Ande anglune vakalina mure lileske bičhalav Tumenge ilestar baxtarin thaj mangav Tumenge sa majlačhes ke Tumaro trajo. Me baxtarinav Tumenge e festa thaj e oktobreske feste, kodo dives sar nikanak majanglal ki loš thaj baxtalipe te nakhel a mengė dorėselope [pe rromani čhib hramome = a me cidav (akate) čačes]. Bičhalav but lačhipe e Vitjaske thaj e Raečkake golev najavava kchėrė [pe rromani čhib hramome= goleske ni ka iri ma khere]. Bičhalav but baxt vi e Maksimeske thaj mure phejorake e Njurake. Muri drago rromnije, rugiv tu hramosar mange thaj phen mange sar si i daj thaj so kerel lako sastipe. Ma le griža, me sem dživdo thaj sasto. Ačh devlesa.
Čumidav tumen zurales thaj rugiv Tu, hramosar mange butivar. To rrom o Vanja.

Muri adresa:
P.P.C. Nr. 1640, sekcija. 075 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovič


Rights held by: Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov | Provided by: Raja Dement – Private Archive | Published by: Nikolai Bessonov Cyganskaja tragedija 1941-1945 – Fakty, dokumenty. vospominanija (Vol. 2). Sankt-Petersburg 2010. P. 45–46


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov
1.08 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00114


Killed in the Battle of Stalingrad

Before the war the Russian Rom Ivan Ivanov (1914–42) worked for the Moscow combine ‘Gypsy Food Industries (Cygpiščeprom)’, which, founded as part of the Soviet nationalities policy, employed mainly Romani workers. In the late summer of 1941, he was conscripted into the Red Army and first dispatched to the Karelian front. Later he was transferred to the Stalingrad area and assigned to an engineering battalion.

This letter by Ivanov to his wife, Marija, was written before the Soviet counteroffensive on Stalingrad. The wording shows that he was acutely aware of the strict military censor. The positive and optimistic note of the ‘official’ part contrasts starkly with the actual message Ivanov sends concealed in two short sentences in Romani. After receiving the letter, a despairing Marija Ivanova set off to find her husband in Stalingrad. Her efforts were in vain, access to the city was already cut off. Waiting for upon her return was the official notice that her husband had died a ‘hero’s death’. Ivan Ivanov was fatally wounded on 25 November 1942 during a German air raid on his unit.

The documentation of the letter is the result of the efforts of Nikolaj Bessonov (1962–2017), the tireless chronicler of the history of Russian Roma, who died unexpectedly and far too early. Held in private hands, Bessonov gained access to the letter from the Ivanov-Dement family and published it in 2010.

Martin Holler (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov
1.08 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Ivan Ivanovič Ivanov | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00114


übersetzer Titel
‘I almost certainly won’t be returning home’
übersetzer Titel
»Me paćav kaj ni ka iri ma palpale khere«
Nov. 1, 1942
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