

Marry, But Only in Love

Igor Krykunov | Marry, But Only in Love | Ukraine | 2014 | the_30013

Licensed by: Roma Music and Drama Theatre “Romance” | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Igor Krykunov (Kiev/Ukraine)

Igor Krykunov | Marry, But Only in Love | Ukraine | 2014 | the_30013 Licensed by: Roma Music and Drama Theatre “Romance” | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Igor Krykunov (Kiev/Ukraine)


Licensed by: Roma Music and Drama Theatre “Romance” | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Igor Krykunov (Kiev/Ukraine)


This musical comedy opens with four brave suitors fighting for the privilege of marrying the daughter of the rich camp leader, the Baron Shmyrka. The suitors, however, do not realize the Baron has two daughters. Chen is beautiful, clever, kind, and quite the opposite of Gozho. One of the suitors, Badi, runs into Chen and realizes she is going to be married. The scene then transitions to Gozho, proving her arrogance and ignorance with each word she speaks, showing her unattractiveness both inside and out. Meanwhile, the Baron Shmyrka tries to figure out how to appease his complaining and wearying daughter Gozho.

Badi and Chen meet again after Badi loses his trousers to Gozho in the forest, and this is when it dawns on him that there are two sisters. Chen runs away and meets the other three suitors. They introduce themselves one by one and reveal their plans to marry the daughter of the Baron for the great dowry.

In the next scene, we find the three suitors naked, as they have given their clothes to Badi for good luck. They find out Chen is the daughter of Shmyrka, and they continue fighting as Chen runs away. Shmyrka and his entourage come upon the suitors and revive them. He discovers that they are suitors and all in love with his daughter, but misinterprets this as meaning Gozho. Amazed, he takes them all home to prepare for the wedding. Badi, disguised as a woman to the end, cunningly plays matchmaker as he sets up the situation for Gozho to marry the money-hungry suitors, keeping the beautiful Chen for himself.


circa 2014
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Marry, But Only in Love