

»Nicht bearbeitet, da wir Roma* sind«

Šaban Mustafić | »Nicht bearbeitet, da wir Roma* sind« | self-evidence | Independent State of Croatia | Aug. 1, 1941 | voi_00009

Rights held by: Šaban Mustafić | Provided by: Croatian State Archives (Zagreb/Croatia) | Archived under: HR-HDA-233 Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova NDH / Box 106 / No. 41923/41

by Šaban Mustafić,
Janjara gurbet village elder,
for granting support

            To the Ministry of Health
            via the Bijeljina village municipality

The requests regarding the families of the village in which I am the elder have been submitted on time and in accordance with the Regulation on Support for the Families of Military Conscripts.
Since no decision regarding the submitted requests has been reached for a longer time, I have consulted the competent Support Committee at the District Court of Bijeljina and requested that a decision regarding these requests be taken as soon as possible.
However, the Committee informed me that the requests of the families from my village cannot be favourably resolved or even taken into procedure since we are Roma* and referred us to the Ministry of Health.
Therefore, as village elder, I request that the local authorities forward this request through the regular channels to the competent Ministry, which I ask to approve the distribution of support to the families of my village.

1 August 1941 Applicant:
Janjara gurbet Šaban Mustafić
Janjara g. village elder

to the Ministry of Health

the local authority is honoured to forward


this request by the Janjara gurbet village elder, with a request that the
relevant decisions be made. –
Notary Municipal Mayor:
[illegible] Lazić Neđo

Šabana Mustafića
starješina sela Janjara
gubert, za podjelu pot-

Ministarstvu Zdravstva
preko općine bijeljinske seoske

Na osnovu Uredbe o potporama obitelji lica pozvanih na vojnu dužnost blagovremeno su podnijele molbe i obitelji sela u kome sam ja starješina.
Pošto za podnijetim molbama već duže vremena nije donijeto nikakovo riješenje obratio sam se kod nadležnog Odbora za potpore pri Kotarskom sudu u Bijeljini i molio žurno rješenje ovih molbi.
Međutim od strane Odbora mi je saopćeno da se molbe obitelji iz mog sela ne mogu povoljno riješiti niti uopće uzeti u postupak jer smo cigani i uputili nas na Ministarstvo Zdravstva za odluku.
Stoga kao starješina sela molim općini da ovu molbu redovitim putem sprovede nadležnom Ministarstvu koje molim da odobri podjelu potpore i obiteljima moga sela.

  1. kolovoza 1941. god.
    Janjara gurbet

Šaban Mustafić
starješina sela Janjara g.

Ministarstvu Zdravstva

[O]voj općini čast je dostaviti prednju molbu starješine sela Janjara gurbet s molbom na nadležna rješenja. –

Lazić Neđo

zur Bewilligung von Unterstützung
von Šaban Mustafić,
Dorfältester von Janjara gubert

an das Gesundheitsministerium
übermittelt von der Gemeindeverwaltung von Bijeljina

Die Anfragen bezüglich der Familien des Dorfes, in dem ich der Älteste bin, wurden fristgerecht und gemäß der Verordnung zur Unterstützung von Familien der zum Militärdienst Eingezogenen eingereicht.
Nachdem bezüglich der eingereichten Anfragen für längere Zeit keine Entscheidung getroffen wurde, habe ich den zuständigen Unterstützungsausschuss am Amtsgericht von Bijeljina konsultiert und darum gebeten, dass eine Entscheidung bezüglich dieser Anfragen so bald als möglich getroffen werde.
Der Ausschuss informierte mich jedoch, dass die Anfragen der Familien aus meinem Dorf nicht nach unserem Wunsch erfüllt werden können, ja, dass sie nicht einmal bearbeitet werden können, da wir Roma* sind, und verwies uns an das Gesundheitsministerium.
Daher frage ich, als Dorfältester, die Kommunalverwaltung an, diese Anfrage auf den üblichen Wegen an das zuständige Ministerium weiterzuleiten, welches ich um eine Genehmigung der Zuwendung von Unterstützung für die Familien meines Dorfes bitte.

  1. August 1941
    Janjara gurbet

Šaban Mustafić
Dorfältester Janjara g.

an das Gesundheitsministerium
Die Gemeindeverwaltung fühlt sich geehrt, diese Anfrage des Dorfältesten von Janjara gurbet weiterzuleiten, mit der Bitte, die entsprechenden Entscheidungen zu treffen. –


Lazić Neđo

vaš o žutipasko dindipe
kotar o Šaban Mustafić,
gavesko majphureder kotar o Janjara gurbet

            dži ko Sastipasko Ministeriumo 
            dindo perdal e thaneski kancelarija Bijeljina 

E phučiba kotar e gaveske familije, kaj kote majphureder sem, kerde si po vrama, kethanes e Regulacijasa vaš o ažutimasko dindipe e familijenge kaske džene sas akharde ki armija te keren armijake buća.
Soske lungo vrama naj dendi decizija vaš e kedime dende rodipa, me gelem pe konsultacija ko kompentetno Komiteto vaš o ažutimasko dindipe ke thanesko Krisi ki Bijeljina, thaj rodijem sigate te delpe decizija pala akala phučiba.
O Komiteto dijas mange informacija kaj e dende phučiba kotar e familije andar miro gav našti te oven ki procedura linde soske sam Rroma* thaj bičhaldas amen te džas ko Ministeriumo vaš o Sastipe te del e decizija.
Kodoleske me sar majphureder ko gav, rugipe dav ki komuna pe adekvatno drom te bičhalel regularno amaro phučibe ko čačo Ministeriumo, kole so ka rugiv te del pozitivno decizija po ažutipasko dendipe e familijenge kotar miro gav.

                     1. Avgusto 1941                                                         Aplikanto:
          Janjara gurbet                                                        Šaban Mustafić
                                                                                 gavesko majphureder manuš

dži ko Sastipasko Ministeriumo

akaja komunaki Kancelarija si barikani,


angle te bičhalel akava phučipe kotar o Janjara gurbet, gavesko majphureder manuš, rodipasa te delpe relevantno decizija.
Notari Komunako šerutno:
[našti drabardol] Lazić Neđo


Rights held by: Šaban Mustafić | Provided by: Croatian State Archives (Zagreb/Croatia) | Archived under: HR-HDA-233 Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova NDH / Box 106 / No. 41923/41


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Saban Mustafić
1.08 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Saban Mustafić | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00069


Racial discrimination of Roma in the Independent State of Croatia
This document is a formal request by Šaban Mustafić, leader of the Gurbeti Roma living in the village of Janjara (20 kilometres south of the town of Bijeljina). It was written in August 1941 to the Ministry of Health of the Independent State of Croatia (ISC). Mustafić is asking in the name of Roma from this village for financial support of those families whose men were serving or had died as soldiers in the Army of the ISC.
The Ministry of Health of the ISC forwarded this request to Ministry of Social Welfare, which in turn, forwarded it to the Support Committee of the District Court of Bijeljina. In September 1941, the Committee decided to dismiss the request of Šaban Mustafić. The reason was that according to racial legislation (Legal Decree on the Protection of Aryan Blood and the Honour of the Croatian People), Roma in the ISC were supposed to have no ‘Aryan origin’. This meant that Roma were excluded from the benefits of the Legal Decree on Support for the Families of Soldiers.
Moreover, in the same decision by Court Committee it was pointed out that these Roma were part of the ‘Gurbeti Roma’, who were of Muslim faith and spoke their own (‘special’) language. Therefore, they were not protected like the ‘White Gypsies’, who were officially recognized as having the same status in in ‘religion, language, way of living and customs’ as the Muslim population of Croatia.
As this document shows, Roma suffered under racial discrimination soon after the establishment of the ISC. They became ‘second-class’ citizens or had been without any protection by the state authorities.

Danijel Vojak (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Saban Mustafić
1.08 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Saban Mustafić | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00069


übersetzer Titel
‘Not processed because we are Roma’
übersetzer Titel
»Na lelaspe sama kaj sam Rroma*«
Aug. 1, 1941
Production Credits
Object Category
Object Number

Archive Section

Associated Terms & People

subjects Gurbeti, soldier, period 1933 - 1945