

»Nun hungern wir und sterben vor Kälte«

Margareta Dodan | »Nun hungern wir und sterben vor Kälte« | self-evidence | Kingdom of Romania | Dec. 6, 1942 | voi_00020

Rights held by: Margareta Dodan | Provided by: The State Archives of the Odessa Region (Odessa/Ukraine) | Archived under: Fond 2242 / Opis 1 / Case 1912 / P. 49 / Orig. / MS.

16 decembrie 1942, Odessa

D-le Guvernator,

Subsemnata Margareta Dodan cu cinci copii rămasă văduvă de un an şi şasă luni mi[-]a căzut bărbatul rănit pe front lovit de o schijă de obuz iar noi am rămas fără nici un ajutor şi la un moment dat ni[-]a adus în Transnistria şi ce am avut şi noi mai bun am vândut şi am rămas muritori de foame şi de frig aici în satul Covaliovca jud. Ociacov şi am vinit D-le guvernator cu rugăminte şi cu lacrâmi în ochi ne mai putând suferi frigul şi fomia am vinit pe jos 140 khilometri la domnia vostră cu rugăminte de a[-]mi da o autorizaţie să pot pleca în ţară cu copii mei la casuţa mia. Va sărutăm mânile şi piciorile D-le guvernator aştept acest răspuns de la măria vostră.

ss. Margareta Dodan
Maria „
Anica „
Iliana „
Iacob Varlan

D-sale D-lui
Guvernator al Transnistr[i]ei

  1. Dezember 1942, Odessa

Herr Gouverneur,

die unterzeichnete Margareta Dodan mit fünf Kindern, Witwe seit einem Jahr und sechs Monaten[,] mein Mann fiel, verwundet von einem Granatsplitter, auf dem Schlachtfeld und wir sind jetzt ohne Unterstützung und irgendwann wurden wir nach Transnistrien gebracht und wir haben alles Wertvolle, was wir hatten, verkauft und nun hungern wir und sterben vor Kälte hier in der Ortschaft Kovalivka, Bezirk von Oceacov, und ich komme [zum] Herrn Gouverneur mit der Bitte und mit Tränen in den Augen, weil ich die Kälte und den Hunger nicht ertrug[.] Ich lief 140 Kilometer zu Fuß, um zu Ihnen zu kommen mit der Bitte, mir die Erlaubnis zu erteilen, dass ich das Land mit meinen Kindern in Richtung meiner geliebten Heimat verlassen kann. Wir küssen Ihre Hände und Ihre Füße[,] Herr Gouverneur[.] [I]ch warte auf die Antwort Ihrer Hoheit.

[unterzeichnet] Margareta Dodan
Maria „
Anica „
Iliana „
Iacob Varlan

An seine Exzellenz
Herr Gouverneur von Transnistrien

6 December 1942, Odessa

Mr Governor,

The undersigned, Margareta Dodan, five children, widow for one year and six months, my husband has fallen wounded by a shell splinter on the battlefield, and we are now without any help and at some point we have been brought to Transnistria and we have sold everything good that we had and we’ are now starving and dying from cold here in the village of Kovalivka, district of Oceacov, and I’ve come to you, Mr. Governor, with the request and with tears in my eyes because I couldn’t stand the cold and the hunger[.] I walked for 140 kilometres to reach you with the request to give me an authorization so that I can leave for the country with my children for my dear home. We kiss your hands and feet, Mr Governor, I am waiting for the answer from your Highness.

[signed] Margareta Dodan
Maria „
Anica „
Iliana „
Iacob Varlan

To His Excellency
Mr Governor of Transnistria

  1. Decembro 1942, Odessa

Raj Governatori,

Me tele skrinisardi Margareta Dodan (bijandi po 1917 berš) pandže čhavorrenca, biromeski jekh berš thaj šov čhona, muro rrom sas mudardo kotar e granatake kotora po maripasko than thaj akana khanikastar naj amen ažutipe thaj bičhalde samas ani Transnistria thaj sa prekuč so sas amen bikindem, thaj akana meras bokhatar thaj šilestar akate ando gav Kovalivka than kotar o Oceacov, thaj me avav [ko] Raj Governatori rugimasa thaj asvencar ande mure jakha, kaj našti te cidav dureder o šil thaj bokh[.] Me phirdem 140 kilometre, te resav dži tumende rugipasa, šajipe te den ma, kethanes mure čhavenca themestar te iklav thaj te džav mange ko muro drago kher. Amen čhumidas Tire vasta thaj pundre, Raj Governatori. Adžikerav tumendar mothojbe tumaro Učipe.

[signatura] Margareta Dodan
Maria „
Anica „
Iliana „
Iacob Varlan

Dži pe Leski Ekselencija
Raj Governo kotar Transnistria


Rights held by: Margareta Dodan | Provided by: The State Archives of the Odessa Region (Odessa/Ukraine) | Archived under: Fond 2242 / Opis 1 / Case 1912 / P. 49 / Orig. / MS.


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Margareta Dodan
1.14 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Margareta Dodan | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00080


A petition from Kovalivka
Margareta Dodan (born 1917) and four of her children were deported in September 1942 from Iaşi to the village of Kovalivka (from 1941 to 1944: called Covalevca) in Transnistria. The Iaşi municipal police had put them on the list of ‘Gypsies who have no means of living or precise occupation from which to live honestly’, despite the fact that her husband had served in the army and this category of Rom was exempt from deportation.

The village of Kovalivka, located in the Oceacov district (and in the middle of December 1942 it passed to Berezovca district), was one of the so-called ‘Gypsy villages’ on the River Bug. After the evacuation of the Ukrainan population, approximately 1,100 Roma were housed in 54 houses. From the outset, the conditions in Kovalivka were extremely tough. Sometimes, 25 to 40 people had to live in a house with two or three little rooms. Deportees suffered from hunger, the cold and illness. In winter 1942/1943, about half of the deportees died, most of them from typhus epidemic that broke out at the end of December 1942 and lasted until March of the following year.

Margareta Dodan secretly left Kovalivka for Odessa, where on 16 December 1942 she submitted this petition to the Governor of Transnistria. In that document, she revealed the desperate situation in which she and her children found themselves and requested repatriation. The petition was forwarded to the Gendarmerie Inspectorate of Transnistria on 31 December 1942 with the order to investigate the case. At that time, a commission of the General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie in Bucharest had already investigated the situation of the Romani deportees. The commission, which had been active in the area of Kovalivka, Andriivka (Andreevca) and Varyushyne (Varuşino) from 12 to 19 December 1942, put Margareta Dodan on the list of persons proposed for repatriation. The investigations carried out by the Iaşi police led to the repatriation of the family being approved. But owing to the typhus epidemic among the deported Roma, their repatriation was delayed. Three of Margareta Dodan’s children died. She and her daughter Anica (born 1931) returned to Iaşi after 1 May 1943.

Viorel Achim (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Margareta Dodan
1.14 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Margareta Dodan | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00080


übersetzer Titel
‘We’re now starving and dying from the cold’
übersetzer Titel
»Amen sam akana bokhale thaj meras kotar o šil «
Dec. 6, 1942
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subjects “Gypsy Village”, petition, Genocide, period 1933 - 1945