Gheorghe Păun-Ialomiţeanu was born on 19th July 1957 in Dragalina, Călărași County, Romania on 19 July 1957. After attending the School of Junior Engineering Officers, he continued his education at the School of Engineering Officers for Buildings, Railways, Roads and Bridges and at an accountancy school.

From 1990 onwards he was an active member of the Romani movement and beginning in 1995 he served as the president of the ‘Pod peste suflete’ [Bridge over Souls] Foundation in Slobozia, Ialomiţa County, Romania. In this capacity, he was responsible for the coordination of several projects aimed at benefiting Roma, especially in connection with educational and cultural activities. Păun-Ialomiţeanu was one of the first Romani journalists and publishers after the 1989 revolution in Romania. Between 1990 and 1996 he was chief editor of Șatra liberă [Free Romani Camp] in Slobozia, the first Romani journal published in post-revolution Romania. In addition, he was the founder, owner and chief editor of ‘Pod peste suflete’, the first Romani publishing house in post-revolution Romania. From 2000 to 2004 Păun-Ialomiţeanu served as editorial secretary of Asul de treflă [Ace of clubs], the official journal of the Roma Party. At the same time, he was chief editor of the journal Tribuna Ialomiţei [Tribune of Ialomiţa], published in Slobozia. In 2004 he was responsible for publishing and editing the Rroma Almanac. Currently, Păun-Ialomiţeanu is chief editor of the publishing house ‘Șatra’ [‘Romani Camp’], which he himself owns.

In addition to his numerous cultural and literary engagements, the writer has been politically active. He served as a municipal councillor in Slobozia (1992–96) and as county councillor in Ialomiţa County (1996–2000). In 2016 he was awarded with honorary citizenship of Slobozia, the capital of Ialomiţa County.


Păun-Ialomiţeanu, Gheorghe. 1990. Arzoaica a stat la masă cu dracu. [The Loving Woman Set at the Table with the Devil]. Slobozia: Șatra.

Păun-Ialomiţeanu, Gheorghe. 1991. Bulibașa și artista [The Bulibash and the Actress]. Slobozia: Șatra.

Păun-Ialomiţeanu, Gheorghe. 2015. Ger blând de femarte [Gentle Frost in Fe-March]. Slobozia: Șatra.

Păun-Ialomiţeanu, Gheorghe. 2016. Bani bolnavi [Sick Money]. Slobozia: Șatra.

Păun-Ialomiţeanu, Gheorghe. 2016. Kai jeas, Rromale? Iubiri triste, cu parfum de șatră [Where to, Roma? Sad Love Stories with Roma Camps’ Perfume]. Bucharest: Romano Kher.