Pablo Vega was born in Spain in 1975. He graduated from the University of San Francisco with a degree in multimedia technologies and design and went on to earn a master’s degree in realisation and non-linear editing at the CEV in Madrid.
Pablo Vega is one of the most active Roma artists in Spain. His first documentary, Romnia, depicted the reality of Roma women in Huesca and underlined the importance of education. In June 2013 he won the Union Romani art prize in Spain. His interests and experience as a director are diverse: he has also made video productions for outstanding musical ensembles such as Ketama’s The Soul Has no Color. From 2010 to 2012 Pablo Vega collaborated as the director and editor of the documentary Africa the Beat by the Samaki Wanne collective, which comprises a painter, two musicians and a filmmaker. Displaying an artistic sensitivity and unprecedented originality in this genre, the film captures the omnipresence and rhythms of music as well as the melodies in the life of the Tanzanian Wagogo tribe.
2010 Romnia: Mujeres gitanas de Huesca (Romnia: Roma Women from Huesca)
2012 Africa The Beat