RR MARKI is a Swiss Roma artist. He lives and works in Zurich as a cultural agent, performer, radio moderator and interpreter for Romanes. He is Roma with indian roots, born 1960 in Skopje, where he graduated from the Technical University. In Switzerland he attended the F+F Kunstschule. In 2013, he founded the Roma Jam Session Art Collective RJSaK, together with artist Mo Diener (www.romajamsession.org).
He changed his name: background is an debate within his artistic format, to give answers to the questions about his identity, an elucidation through his art practice.
In collaboration with Mo Diener as art director at RJSaK, further cooperation with the graphic designers Esther Soller and Regula Ehrliholzer, as well as the art curators Katharina Morawek, Cathérine Hug, Stefan Wagner, Daniel Kurjakovic and many other artists and institutions. He presents Roma art, language and transnational identity. Its aim is to give the European Roma minority a cultural recognition, as part of the Global Society. (text by the artist)
RR Marki

RR Marki
Other names Mustafa Asan (Birth name) Please note that further items maybe linked to these names.