Youth during the Youth Commemoration Act of the Roma Genocide at the Crematorium V. at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on the 2nd of August, 2014. Sitting on the chair is Roma Holocaust survivor József Forgács.
Roma Holocaust surviviors during 2014 Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative "Dikh he na bister"
Márton Neményi | Roma Holocaust surviviors during 2014 Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative "Dikh he na bister" | photography | Poland | Aug. 2, 2014 | Rom_10016
Rights held by: Márton Neményi I Licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International I Provided by TernYpe International Roma Youth Network
Rights held by: Márton Neményi I Licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International I Provided by TernYpe International Roma Youth Network
übersetzer Titel
Überlebende des Roma-Holocaust bei der Roma-Völkermord Gedenkinitiative »Dikh he na bister« im Jahr 2014.
Aug. 2, 2014
Production Credits
- Márton Neményi (photographer)
Object Category
Object Number