The Living History Forum was assigned by the Government in its appropriation directions for 2011 to examine the question of how the culture and language of the Roma might be given a stronger position in Swedish society than it currently enjoys. The Forum has taken this assignment during the period February–October 2011, and the results are presented in this report. The cultural and linguistic rights of Roma and the Roma’s right to co-determination and influence with regard to matters affecting them are basically a human rights issue. The question of how to strengthen the position of Roma culture and Romani-chib must, therefore, be based on a rights perspective. The rights for Roma as a recognized national minority are ultimately intended to help ensure that the Roma community enjoys the same rights and opportunities as the majority population in Sweden. The widespread discrimination to which Roma are still exposed to in their everyday lives contributes significantly to the deprivation and marginalisation that many Roma experience in Swedish society. The situation of Roma today, and the weak position of Romani culture and language are closely related to history and to the state-sanctioned persecution and discrimination to which Roma were exposed during much of their history. In deciding what action to take to improve the status of Roma culture and Romani chib, an awareness of historical events and their links with present-day abuses of Roma human rights is vital. This report makes a number of important recommendations to address these issues. The report does not address the issue of Resande language and culture, nor the historical persecution and marginalisation suffered by this group in Sweden, formerly (and pejoratively) known as ‘Tattare’, now called ‘Resande’ (Travellers).
Romani cultural and linguistic rights - Paths towards realisation
Lars Lindgren | Romani cultural and linguistic rights - Paths towards realisation | report | Sweden | 2011 | rom_00006
Rights held by: Lars Lindgren I Licensed by: Lars Lindgren I Provided by: Forum för Levende Historia (Forum for Living History) / Södertörn University

Rights held by: Lars Lindgren I Licensed by: Lars Lindgren I Provided by: Forum för Levende Historia (Forum for Living History) / Södertörn University
original title
Romers Kulturella och Språkliga Rättigheter
Väger mot ett Förverkligande
übersetzer Titel
Romani cultural and linguistic rights
Untertitel übersetzt
Paths towards realisation
Production Period
Production Credits
- Lars Lindgren (Author) (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Forum för Levende Historia (Forum for Living History) (Editor (Print)) (Stockholm)
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