

»Sechs Jahre treu und ehrlich in der Gemeinde gedient«

Georg Ujvari | »Sechs Jahre treu und ehrlich in der Gemeinde gedient« | self-evidence | German Reich (Ostmark) | Oct. 3, 1941 | voi_00024

Rights held by: Georg Ujvari | Provided by: Collection Dr. Herbert Brettl (Halbturn/Austria) | Archived under: /

Municipal Office
Bruck a/d Leitha

Mr Mayor.
I strongly request, Mr Mayor, that my wages, which I hope I have earned, be sent to me for the period from 4 to 20 September 1941.
I also request the employment reference for the 6 (six) years in which I served the municipality loyally and honestly, since I need it urgently.
Should the municipality once again be able to employ me, then I would ask you, Mr Mayor, to submit a request to the district administration and have a duplicate sent to me.
In the hope that my request will soon be met,
Signed, with German greetings,
Georg Ujvari

Georg Ujvari
Reich Autobahn camp in
Klausen-Leopoldsdorf N 1826
Room C
Near Baden N[iederdonau]

(Stamp of receipt)
Halbturn Municipality
Received 3 Oct 1941 Zl. A.F.

To be left unanswered
Steiner Michael

An das
Halbturn Kreis
Bruck a/d Leitha

Herr Bürgermeister.
Ersuche Sie vielmals[,] Herr Bürgermeister[,] um die Zusendung meines Lohnes für die Zeit vom 4. [bis] 20.9.1941, was ich hoffentlic[h] auch verdient habe.
Ersuche auch um die Arbeitszeugnis[s]e für die 6 (sechs) Jahre[,] die ich [t]reu und [e]hrlich in der Gemeinde gedient habe[,] denn [ich] brauche [sie] auch dringend.
Sollte ich wieder in der Gemeinde eingestellt werden können[,] so ersuche ich Sie[,] Herr Bürgermeister[,] ein Gesuch an den Landrat einzureichen und ein Duplikat mir selbst zugehen zu lassen[.] /
In der Hoffnung auf baldige Erfüllung meiner Bitte zeichne ich /
mit deutschem Grus[s]
Georg Ujvari

Georg Ujvari
R.A.B. [Reichsautobahn-]Lager in
Klausen-Leopoldsdorf N 1826
Stube C
b[ei] Baden N[iederdonau]

Gemeinde Halbturn
eingelangt am 3. Okt. 1941 Zl. A.F.

unbeantwortet lassen
Der Bürgermeister
Steiner Michael

Dži ke
Komunaki kancelarija
Halbturn Distrikto
Bruck a/d Leitha

Raj šerutneja,

Me rodav, Raj šerutneja miro ajluko, kaj me paćav kaj lačhi thaj pakivali buti kerdem, te ovel mange bičhaldo o ajluko vaš o periodo kotar o 4. dži ko 20. Septembro 1941 berš.
Me rodav vi muro bućarnimasko lil vaš e šov beršengi buti thaj keribe ki komuna kaj semas lojalno thaj pakivalo bućari, sigo trubul ma kodo.
Te si e komunà šajipe palem te del ma buti, pe kodi situacija me phučhav tumen, te keren rodipa ke thaneske institucije thaj te bičhalen mange kopija kotar o lil.
Paćav kaj pe miro rodipe ka den ma sigo jekh mothovipe,
dendos signatura, e njamcikane baxtarimasa,
Georg Ujvari

Georg Ujvari
Reich autobahn camp in
Klausen-Leopoldsdorf N 1826
Soba/Kamera/ C
b[ei] Baden N[iederdonau]

(avimasko štampilo)
Halbturn Municipality
Avilo po  3. Oktobro 1941 berš Zl. A.F.

bimothavdo te ovel muklo
O anglošerutno
Steiner Michael


Rights held by: Georg Ujvari | Provided by: Collection Dr. Herbert Brettl (Halbturn/Austria) | Archived under: /


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Georg Ujvari
0.45 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Georg Ujvari | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00084


Deported to the Lackenbach camp by their hometown
In October 1941, Georg Ujvari, born in 1902, wrote a letter to the mayor of his hometown of Halbturn hoping that the latter would contact the Lackenbach camp administration and arrange a return. Together with his wife, Katharina, born in 1901, Georg Ujvari had lived in the municipal shepherd’s house and worked for the municipality until 1938. On 21 September 1941, they were deported to the ‘Lackenbach Gypsy camp’. Katharina Ujvari (camp number: 1827) was sent as a forced labourer in Reich Autobahn construction to Alland in today’s federal state of Lower Austria, while her husband, Georg (camp number: 1826) was transferred to the Reich Autobahn camp at Klausen-Leopoldsdorf, near the Lower Austrian town of Baden bei Wien.

Katharina Ujvari, too, wrote to the mayor and requested that she be allowed to return home and to ensure that the belongings they had left behind remain untouched. All such hopes were in vain, however: the mayor, Michael Steiner, had the letters filed away with the official note ‘To be left unanswered’. The unpaid wages and the couple’s belongings were confiscated, with the proceeds; after deductions to pay alleged debts, the funds were transferred to the Lackenbach camp administration, not the legal owners. In 1943 Georg and Katharina Ujvari were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, where they were murdered.

Author: Baumgartner, Gerhard

Source: Brettl, Herbert: »...ich glaube wir haben uns das nicht verdient...« Die Familie Ujvari zwischen Assimilierung, Ausgrenzung und Tod; in: Kropf, Rudolf; Polster, Gert (Hg.): Roma und Sinti von 1938 bis zur Gegenwart. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland, Band 158, Eisenstadt 2016, S. 127-146

Herbert Brettl (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Georg Ujvari
0.45 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von Georg Ujvari | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00084


übersetzer Titel
‘Served the municipality loyally and honestly for six years’
übersetzer Titel
»Šov berš kerdas buti ke komuna, lojalno thaj pherde ilesa«
before Oct. 3, 1941
Production Credits
  • Georg Ujvari (Author) (Klausen-Leopoldsdorf, German Reich (Ostmark))
Object Category
Object Number

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