In an interview, the Austrian author and artist Ceija Stojka explained her reasons for going public with her memories of the concentration camps during the National Socialist regime, which she survived as a child. Her autobiographical book Wir leben im Verborgenen [We live in seclusion], referred to here, had been published ten years earlier.
The interview was conducted by Mozes Heinschink in Ceija Stojka’s Viennese home. In an edited form, it was first broadcast on 28 May 1998 in ‘Radio Romano Centro’ (on ORF Radio 1476, at the time a monthly programme of the Viennese association Romano Centro). Three weeks previously, the memorial for Roma and Sinti victims in the former Mauthausen concentration camp (Upper Austria) had been unveiled. On this occasion, Ceija Stojka also talked about the burden of the suffered trauma for subsequent generations as well as her current fears and responsibilities as a survivor and witness. The broadcast (in Romani and German) is accessible online via the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv’s catalogue (
Further Reading
Stojka, Ceija. 2001. »Amari odjori sas nasvali – Unsere Seele war krank«, in: Cech, Petra et al. (Hg.). 2001. Fern von uns im Traum: Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Lovara – Te na dikhas sunende: Lovarenge paramiči, tertenetura taj gjila. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag, 308–317 [= edited transcript and German translation of the whole interview, without introductory and interposed questions].