

Square Knot

Daniel Baker | Square Knot | painting | unknown | 2015 | vis_00156

Rights held by: Daniel Baker | Licensed by: Daniel Baker | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Daniel Baker – Private Archive

Daniel Baker | Square Knot | painting | unknown | 2015 | vis_00156 Rights held by: Daniel Baker | Licensed by: Daniel Baker | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Daniel Baker – Private Archive


Rights held by: Daniel Baker | Licensed by: Daniel Baker | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Daniel Baker – Private Archive


Square Knot is part of a series made for a project titled Makeshifting: Structures of Mobility. The knots refer to symbols of mobility representing adaptability and invention whilst at the same time the binding of community and collective effort.

The Makeshifting project set out to examine the structures that facilitate and, in some instances, inhibit, mobility and asked what we, Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) and non-GRT alike, can learn from such phenomena.
The project focused on physical migration, or the possibility to move freely without prohibition or prosecution, an issue which remains a pressing issue for GRT groups throughout Europe and increasingly for the wider population.
Despite its position as a founding tenet of the European Union, mobility, whether through forced eviction or intended economic nomadism, continues to be perceived as threatening to the very foundations of society.

By way of contrast, Makeshifting aimed to reposition the inherent elements of mobility as qualities to value rather than outlaw. The structures of mobility examined in the project were considered in relation to physical, social, economic, cultural, political and aesthetic terrains with particular emphasis on relationships between the marginal and the mainstream in society.

Daniel Baker (2017)


Production Credits
Object Category
50 cm width
50 cm height
Object Number

Archive Section