

»Wir bitten um Annahme und Bearbeitung unseres Antrags«

M. P. Lazareva | »Wir bitten um Annahme und Bearbeitung unseres Antrags« | self-evidence | Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic | Oct. 9, 1943 | voi_00027

Rights held by: M. P. Lazareva | Provided by: State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow/Russia) | Archived under: F. 7021 / Op. 44 / D. 1091 / ll. 6-6ob

To the State Extraordinary Commission for the Investigation of Fascist Atrocities in the Smolensk Region from the kolkhoz workers of the village of Aleksandrovskoe, Smolensk District, Village Soviet Mikhnovka:

Lazareva, M.P.
Paseevich, A.I.
Krylova, L.M.
Golenchikova, D.K.
Paseevich, E.S.
Egorova, A.P.
Egorova, D.E.
Leonovich, A.E.
Leonovich, N.P.


We request that our submission be accepted and dealt with.
After our region had been occupied by the Germans, a penalty unit [death squad] entered our village at five o’clock in the morning on 24 April 1942. Our kolkhoz was surrounded by the Germans while officers entered the houses and drove everyone out to the lake. A selection took place at the lake, Roma* were kept there, the Russians sent back home. The men were given shovels and ordered to dig a pit for themselves not far from the village.
Meanwhile, the Germans began asking the women if there was anybody of mixed race. Some families began to beg [and said] that the mother, the father or husband were Russians. Later, when the pit was ready, the Germans drove the Roma* to the pit. Once there, they were forced to strip naked and the fair-skinned were sent home. At total of 176 people of all ages – including children and the elderly – were shot dead.
The men filled in the pit with their families’ dead bodies, and then they themselves were shot. The children were thrown into the pit alive [by the Germans]. Everyone had to undress before being shot. The Germans took the best clothes for themselves and took them away to Smolensk.

[sgd] Lazareva
[sgd] Pase[e]vich
[sgd] Leonovich
[sgd] Krylova
[sgd] Matusevich [Leonovich]
[sgd] Paseevich
[sgd] Egorova
[sgd] Golenchikova
[sgd] Egorova

9 October 1943

В Государственную [Чрезвычайную Комиссию] по расследованию фашистских злодеяний по Смоленской области от [колхозниц] д. Александровское Смоленского р-на Михновского с/с.
Лазaрeвой М.П.
Пасеевич А.И.
Крыловой Л.М.
Голенчиковой Д.К.
Пасеевич Е.С.
Егоровой А.П.
Егорова [sic!] Д.Е.
Леонович А.Е.
Леонович Н.П.


[Просим принять наше заявление и разобрать его]
Когда была оккупирована наша область немецкими оккупантами 24/IV-42г. в 5 часов утра [прибыл] карательный отряд[. Наш колхоз был окружен] немцами, а офицеры заходили в квартиры и выгоняли всех к озеру. Около озера была [сортировка], цыган оставляли, а русских отправляли домой. Мужчинам были вручены лопаты, [недалеко] от деревни отправляли рыть [самим себе] яму.
Немцы этим временем стали спрашивать у женщин есть ли кто смесь. Некоторые семьи стали проситься, что мол у меня мать, а в других [–] отец или муж русский, потом когда была готова яма, то цыган эту же толпу погнали к яме и там этих людей раздевали наголо, смотрели тело и светлокожих отпустили домой. Всего было расстрелено 176 чел. всех [возрастов]: детей и стариков.
Мужчины закапывали свои семьи, а потом расстреливали и их самих, детей бросали живых в яму. Перед расстрелом всех раздевали и хорошую одежду немцы забрали и увезли в Смоленск.

К сему:
[подпись] Лазарeва
[подпись] Пасе[е]вич
[подпись] Леонович
[подпись] Крылова
[подпись] Матусевич
[подпись] Пасеевич
[подпись] Егорова
[подпись] Голенчикова
[подпись] Егорова


An die Außerordentliche Staatliche Kommission zur Untersuchung faschistischer Verbrechen im Gebiet Smolensk[,] von Kolchosarbeiterinnen des Dorfes Aleksandrovskoe, Kreis Smolensk, Dorfsowjet Michnovka:
Lazareva, M.P.
Paseevič, A.I.
Krylova, L.M.
Golenčikova, D.K.
Paseevič, E.S.
Egorova, A.P.
Egorova, D.E.
Leonovič, A.E.
Leonovič, N.P.


Wir bitten um Annahme und Bearbeitung unseres Antrags.
Als unser Gebiet von den deutschen Okkupanten besetzt war, traf am 24. April 1942 um fünf Uhr morgens eine Strafeinheit [Einsatzkommando] ein. Unsere Kolchose wurde von den Deutschen umstellt, während Offiziere in die Wohnungen gingen und alle [Bewohner] zum See hinaustrieben. Am See fand eine Selektion statt, die Roma* wurden dabehalten, die Russen wurden nach Hause geschickt. An die Männer wurden Schaufeln verteilt und sie hatten unweit des Dorfes für sich selbst eine Grube auszuheben.
Die Deutschen fragten in der Zwischenzeit die Frauen, ob es unter ihnen Mischlinge gebe. Einige Familien begannen zu flehen [und sagten], dass die Mutter, der Vater oder der Ehemann Russen seien. Als die Grube fertig war, wurden die Roma* dorthin getrieben. Bei der Grube wurden die Menschen nackt ausgezogen und die Hellhäutigen nach Hause entlassen. Insgesamt wurden 176 Menschen jeglichen Alters – [auch] Kinder und Alte – erschossen.
Die Männer vergruben ihre Familien, dann wurden auch sie erschossen. Die Kinder wurden [von den Deutschen] lebendig in die Grube geworfen. Vor der Erschießung waren alle ausgezogen worden. Die beste Kleidung nahmen die Deutschen an sich und brachten sie nach Smolensk.

[gez.] Lazareva
[gez.] Pase[e]vič
[gez.] Leonovič
[gez.] Krylova
[gez.] Matusevič [Leonovič]
[gez.] Paseevič
[gez.] Egorova
[gez.] Golenčikova
[gez.] Egorova

  1. Oktober 1943.

Dži ke ekstra uži themeski Komisija savi kerel rodipe pe fašistikane džungalipa ko regiono Smolensk, kotar e Kolhozeske bućarne andar o gav Aleksandrovskoe, regiono Smolensk, Sovjetikano gav Michnovka:

Lazareva, M.P.
Paseevič, A.I.
Krylova, L.M.
Golenčikova, D.K.
Paseevič, E.S.
Egorova, A.P.
Egorova, D.E.
Leonovič, A.E.
Leonovič, N.P.


Rugisaras te lelpe sama pe amari aplikacija thaj te kerelpe buti te ovel agorisardi.
Kana amaro than okupirimo sas kotar e Nemcora, po 24. Aprilo 1942 berš, e džungalipaski jekhin [meribasko eskadrono] dijas andre ko amaro gav ko 5 časo anglamezmeri. Amaro Kolhozo sas pherdo Nemcura thaj e oficirja khuvenas ande khera thaj sakones paldenas te džal paša o derjav. Ko derjav sas o alosaripe kerdo, e Rromen* ačhade odori. E Rusora sas bičhalde palpale khere. E muršhenge dende te hanaven xiv na dureder kotar o gav.
Maškar i vrama e Nemcora phučle e rromnjen, si li vareko maškar lende hamime rasasa. Nesave familije lije te rugin [thaj phende] kaj e daj, o dad vaj olenge rroma Rusora sas. Kana e xiv agorisarde, e Nemcora tradije e Rromen* kote. Ke xiv e manuša sas nangarde thaj kaski morćhi parni sas, bičhalde le khere. Savore 176 manuša kotar sa beršalipa – vi e čhavora thaj e phure – mudarrde si.
E murša praxosarrde pe familijen, thaj pala kodo vi von mudarrde sas. E čhavore sas dživde čhudine ki xiv [kotar e Nemcora]. Angla o mudaripe savore sas nange huljarde. E majšukar uravimata e Njamcora lije peske thaj ko Smolensk ingarde.

[skr.] Lazareva
[skr.] Pase[e]vič
[skr.] Leonovič
[skr.] Krylova
[skr.] Matusevič [Leonovič]
[skr.] Paseevič
[skr.] Egorova
[skr.] Golenčikova
[skr.] Egorova

  1. Oktobri 1943 berš


Rights held by: M. P. Lazareva | Provided by: State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow/Russia) | Archived under: F. 7021 / Op. 44 / D. 1091 / ll. 6-6ob


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von M. P. Lazareva
1.58 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von M. P. Lazareva | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00087


Surviving Romnja initiate investigation into NS crimes
The village of Aleksandrovskoe, which is near Smolensk and most often called Aleksandrovka – was part of a ‘national Gypsy kolkhoz’ named ‘Stalin’s Constitution’, which had been founded in 1937. While the kolkhoz was ethnically mixed, it was run, at least in part, by Roma. ‘National’ kolkhozes came into being a result of the Soviet nationalities policy of the 1920s and 1930s, which aimed to integrate supposedly ‘backward’ ethnic minorities in the building of socialism. Also for this purpose, ‘national’ school classes were established in which children were taught not only in Russian but also in their respective mother tongues. The ‘Gypsy kolkhozes’ in the Smolensk region achieved comparatively high yields and won competitions. But to celebrate them in the propaganda as a successful example of ‘sedentarisation’ was misleading since the majority of Romani farmers in the Smolensk region had already been active in agriculture for generations.

The authors of the petition presented here are Romnja who, unlike most other Roma in the kolkhoz, escaped the SS massacre in April 1942. They were also the initiators of a monument erected at the site of two mass graves in the 1980s. The commentary to the statement by Lidiya Krylova provides information on the sequence of events during the extermination operation in Aleksandrovka.

Martin Holler (2017)


Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von M. P. Lazareva
1.58 min
Lesung des Selbstzeugnisses von M. P. Lazareva | Spoken word | Germany | 2018 | voi_00087


übersetzer Titel
»Rugisaras te lelpe sama pe amari aplikacija thaj te kerelpe buti te ovel agorisardi «
übersetzer Titel
‘We request that our submission be accepted and dealt with’
übersetzer Titel
‘We request that our submission be accepted and dealt with’
Oct. 9, 1943
Production Credits
  • M. P. Lazareva (Author) (Aleksandrovskoe, Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic)
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