

93 results for »Pócsik Andrea«

...Andrea Pócsik The Deconstruction of the ‘Other’ in Animated Films Eszter Lázár and Christian Gasser Appearance: Understanding Romani characters on screen Andrea Pócsik The Depiction of Romani Women Behind and In Front of the Camera Bohumira Smidakova Further Selection of Films in the RomArchive Film Section Katalin Bársony IMAGES AND DOCUMENTS KINDLY PROVIDED BY: Miguel Alcobendas, ARS OOD / ARS Digital Studio, Tamara Babun, Katalin Barsóny, Elton Baxhaku, Karin Berger, Árpád Bodán, Eriona Cami,...
...Andrea Pócsik | Licensed by: Andrea Pócsik| Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive Bibliography Azoulay, Ariella 2011. Photography. The Onthological Question, Mafte’akh 2e / Winter 2011, 65-79. Barthes, Roland 1985. Világoskamra. Jegyzetek a fotográfiáról. Ford. Ferch Magda. Budapest, Európa. Dupcsik, Csaba 2009. A magyarországi cigányság története. Történelem a cigánykutatások tükrében. 1890...
...Andrea Pócsik: Images of Resistance in Our Historicized Memory. Kunstwollen: Formal Experiences of Social Force in László Moholy-Nagy’s Documentaries Torda Turcsány, April 4, 2017, vis_00053 Lecture by Teri Szűcs: The Old Gypsy and the Wandering Jew. Othering and Assimilating Modes of Representation (The Example of the Journal Képes Világ) Torda Turcsány, April 4, 2017, vis_00054 Lecture by Júlia Papp: The Motif of the Instrument Hung upon the Willow in Psalm 137 and the Allegorical The Three Gy...
...Andrea Pócsik The Deconstruction of the ‘Other’ in Animated Films Eszter Lázár and Christian Gasser Appearance: Understanding Romani characters on screen Andrea Pócsik The Depiction of Romani Women Behind and In Front of the Camera Bohumira Smidakova Roma Youth Activism ‘We are the present!’ Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka A History of the Roma Associative Movement in Spain Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka The Roma Movement in Poland Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka and Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz Romania (abstract) Ciprian...
...Andrea Pócsik My examination of the literature of Rom_nja in Hungary Imre Magyari Hungarian Romani Literature: An Overview Zoltán Beck Menyhért Lakatos (1926–2007) Zoltán Beck
...Andrea Pócsik The Deconstruction of the ‘Other’ in Animated Films Eszter Lázár and Christian Gasser The Depiction of Romani Women Behind and In Front of the Camera Bohumira Smidakova Further Selection of Films in the RomArchive Film Section Katalin Bársony Teatr Romen Petra Gelbart The history of the Romen Theatre Dragan Ristic and Maja Ristic The Romance Theatre Igor Krykunov and Daniela Mitrović La Cuadra – a Theatre that Escapes from Gitanismo Miguel Ángel Vargas Rubio and Helios Fernández Ga...
...Andrea Pócsik
André Raatzsch, 2018, pho_00277
...Andrea Pócsik On the Margins of a Photograph: The Loyal Americans Emese Benkö Related Objects (1) No title Burt Glinn, April 20, 1951, pho_00035 Related Articles (2) The photo archive of unlearning Andrea Pócsik On the Margins of a Photograph: The Loyal Americans Emese Benkö
Mária Horváth, 2015, fil_00060
...Andrea Pócsik The Deconstruction of the ‘Other’ in Animated Films Eszter Lázár and Christian Gasser Appearance: Understanding Romani characters on screen Andrea Pócsik RomArchive Contact Supporters Imprint Privacy statement Related Objects (12) Film still from GYPSY TALES: DOJA Teréz Orsós, 2015, fil_00457 Film still from GYPSY TALES: DOJA Teréz Orsós, 2015, fil_00460 Film still from GYPSY TALES: DOJA Teréz Orsós, 2015, fil_00462 Film still from GYPSY TALES: DOJA Teréz Orsós, 2015, fil_00458 GYP...
...Andrea Pócsik