Visual Arts


Curated by Timea Junghaus

RomArtist: Kiba Lumberg


RomArtist: Kiba Lumberg | photograph | unknown | 2007 | vis_00203

RomArtists: Damian Le Bas


Nihad Nino Pušija | RomArtists: Damian Le Bas | photograph | unknown | 2007 | vis_00200

RomArtists: Gabi Jimenez


RomArtists: Gabi Jimenez | photograph | unknown | 2007 | vis_00206


The Roma cultural movement and its central notion of Roma contemporary art has been the most efficient vehicle in the past four decades for exploring Roma subjectivities. The notion of Roma art may sound like it is of ‘strategic essentialist’ prominence, and it is indeed a new ‘claim and stance’ in Western art. It is a term of multiple ambitions: the notion of ‘Roma art’ aims to achieve a productive intervention in the depiction and (re-)presentation of Roma; it celebrates Roma creativity and the precious moments of our Roma cultural movement; and it is a form of cultural survival, which speaks creatively and deeply from within the multifarious Roma positions.