Voices of the victims


Curated by Karola Fings

»Wir Schauspieler des Moskauer Roma*theaters bitten Sie, ein Benefizkonzert zu organisieren«

Nina Vladimirovna Krasavina | »Wir Schauspieler des Moskauer Roma*theaters bitten Sie, ein Benefizkonzert zu organisieren« | self-evidence | Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic | Nov. 29, 1941 | voi_00056 Rights held by: Theatre Romėn (Moscow/Russia) | Provided by: Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow/Russia) | Archived under: F. 2928 / Op. 1 / D. 478 / l. 9

Here you can hear the voices of those persecuted under Nationalist Socialism as Roma, Sinti, Kalderash, Lalleri, Lovari, Manouches or as members of any other Romani-speaking groups. Between 1933 and 1945, hundreds of thousands were subjected to racist stigmatisation, violence and murder crimes in the German Reich and the countries it had occupied or which were collaborating with it. The various measures ranged from special laws, regulations on identification markings, bans on exercising professions and attending school, racist registration, prohibition on marriage and forced divorce, forced sterilisation and forced labour, ghettoisation, concentration camp imprisonment, medical experiments, deportations, massacres, shootings and murder in mobile gas vans or in gas chambers.