

Boldog új élet

Árpád Bogdán | Boldog új élet | Fiction | Ungriko | 2007 | fil_00002

Rights held by: Árpád Bodán | Licensed by: Laokoon Film Arts | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Laokoon Film Arts (Budapest/Hungary)


Rights held by: Árpád Bodán | Licensed by: Laokoon Film Arts | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Laokoon Film Arts (Budapest/Hungary)

Reprodukcijali lista

Boldog új élet
6.51 min
Árpád Bogdán | Boldog új élet | Fiction | Ungriko | 2007 | fil_00002
Rights held by: Árpád Bodán | Licensed by: Laokoon Film Arts | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Laokoon Film Arts (Budapest/Hungary)


Árpád Bogdán-esko filmo Boldog új élet (Bahtalo Nevo Trajo) sasa producirimo kotar e Laokoon Film Production Company kasko producento, i Judit Stalter rromani džuvli, jekh katar e manuša so kerdine o IRCF. O filmo dićol pes sar post-socialistikani “šaj te ačhol pes pe sako jekh them kotar e Centralno thaj Čačunerigeski Europa” storija so phenel vaš jekh terno manuš savo so iklilas kotar o kher vaš čhavore bizi dad thaj dej, savo so khamel te astarel te dživel pesko trajo korkoro. Olesko urbano trujalipe, e panelongere blokura kotar e apartmenura thaj e avrijal forostar industrikane thana, reflektirinena oleski mentalno thaj psihologikani situacija.Vov rodel kontaktija e manušencar mangindoj te vazdel pesko nevo identiteto, numa našti te kerel kodo bizi te iranel pes palpale ki vrama. Vov ačhol praktično – vi kodo so pala o kanuni/zakono si nalegalno – ažutisardo pe dosijeski forma kolate isi olesko personalno rekordiribe, informacije vaš lesko dad thaj dej, thaj sar brutalno lne ole olendar.

Kadala traumatikane memorije si sikavdine ande jekh scena sar suno, so javere rigatar sikavela vi kodo kaj vov si Rrom. Kobor si importantno/mahat/važno, olesko palpalipe/kotar avel, sikavela pes ande jekh javer scena ande filmo kote so vov khamel te ovel ole lesko kher, maškar Rromani familija kote so jekhe cinone čhajorake ginavena paramisa. Numa, kodo so naj ole memorije čhavoripastar – paralelno kodolesar so na džanel peski Rromani dajaki čhib – so šaj sas te zurarel ole thaj leskere komuniteta – našti te pharuven pes fantazijencar thaj iluzijencar.

I kinematografija thaj i muzika dena dumo/ažutipe jekh jekhake thaj i poetikani storija čhaveski bizo dad thaj dej, kerena jekh specijalno interferencija maškar i fikcija thaj o realiteto, so kerel e Árpád Bogdán-eski buči te ovel javereder kotar e javera manuša save keren filmura sar generacija savi bajrolas pe vrama kotar i tranzicija.


38-to Hungarikano Filmesko Kurko: Sándor Simó Prizo/Phursak (majlačho debitanto)

38-to Hungarikano Filmesko Kurko : Studentongo Žiri Prizo/Phursak

38-to Hungarikano Filmesko Kurko: Bmajlačhi Originalno Muzika

42-to Karlovy Vary Filmesko Festivalo, East of the West Competition 2017. máj. 30. 22:06:33 GMT.

Cineromani “Poetics and Politics” , 2013, Berlin Zeughauskino 2017. jún. 12. 22:18:26 GMT.

Az első “nagy dobás”. Beszélgetés Bogdán Árpád filmrendezővel. Készítette Pócsik Andrea 2017. jún. 14. 07:44:05 GMT.

Oficijalno sinopsiso

The story takes place in a modern-day anonymous city, with nameless characters. The time of day is uncertain. It is set in a suburban milieu in empty, tunnels and abandoned areas in remote parts of the city. The outskirts are austere. The protagonist lives here alone, in a housing development apartment building. He grew up in a Roma foster-home, and never knew his parents. Neither does he know anything about normalcy or the ways of the world. His aspirations vacillate between dormant aims and illusions. He has very few friends who would be able to understand anything about his idle existence. A deep desire to belong to someone burns within him, and is slowly taking shape, but this causes him problems. The person who looks after him offers him an unusual gift one day. He is given the dossier that includes his childhood files. These documents may give him hope to reconstrue that which was left unfinished in his childhood.

Reprodukcijali lista

Boldog új élet
6.51 min
Árpád Bogdán | Boldog új élet | Fiction | Ungriko | 2007 | fil_00002
Rights held by: Árpád Bodán | Licensed by: Laokoon Film Arts | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Laokoon Film Arts (Budapest/Hungary)


übersetzer Titel
Happy New Life
Produkcijaki kompanija
Themeski produkcija
Rekordirimo tipo
single object
Objektesko numero
Objektosko numero
Medijakere kotora
Objektosko numero
vramako thavdipe
6.51 min.
528.4 MB
1920 x 1080 / H.264

Arxivako kotor