Association of Gypsy and Romany Organisations detaillierte Kritik am Cripps Report, erstellt nach eingehender Konsultation mit Donald Byrne EHO (Pro-Gypsy Hertfordshire Public Health Inspector (Inspektor für öffetliche Gesundheit), der zum Umweltministerium entsandt wurde, um das _Caravan Sites Act (Wohnwagensiedlungs-Gestz)1968 umzusetzen). Juni 1977
A Critical Review of the Cripps Report by the Association of Gypsy & Romani Organisations
Donald Kenrick | A Critical Review of the Cripps Report by the Association of Gypsy & Romani Organisations | reporto | Khetanutno Thagaripe kotar i Bari Britanija vi Upruni Irlanda | 1977-06 | rom_30015
Rights held by: Donald S. Kenrick | Licensed by: Timna Kenrick I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Timna Kenrick - Private Archive
Rights held by: Donald S. Kenrick | Licensed by: Timna Kenrick I Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Timna Kenrick - Private Archive
original title
AGRO critique of the Cripps Report
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Kreditora pala e produkcija
- Donald Kenrick (Schöpfer_in) (London, Khetanutno Thagaripe kotar i Bari Britanija vi Upruni Irlanda)
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