

An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker

Danis Tanović | An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker | Fiction | Bosnien und Herzegowina | 2013 | fil_00329

Rights held by: Danis Tanović | Licensed by: The Match Factory | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Danis Tanović – Private Archive


Rights held by: Danis Tanović | Licensed by: The Match Factory | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Danis Tanović – Private Archive

Reprodukcijali lista

An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker
2 min
Danis Tanović | An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker | Fiction | Bosnien und Herzegowina | 2013 | fil_00329
Rights held by: Danis Tanović | Licensed by: The Match Factory | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Danis Tanović – Private Archive


Epizoda ano dživdipe e manušengo so khedena satrn si fulmo kotar Centralno thaj Čačunerigeski Europa (Bosna thaj Hercegovina), režirimo kotar o Danis Tanovic thaj sasa mukhlino ko 2013 berš. Pala oleskere internacionalno prendžardine drame, leindoj kate vi e filmo Khanikaski phuv, savo so pala e maripena ano Balkano, e ratvale konflikto čhivel ande scena bizi varesavo tabu, o Tanovic iranel pes palpale te traumatikano tabu temato trujal javereder jekh dikhibe. Vorbindoj pe originalno Rromano dijalekto, e Muslim Rromane karakterura ande filmo Epizoda… sikavena e specifikane etnikane thaj regijakire kulturen ande pala-maripasko Balkanutno regiono, vi kodo so o filmo majanglunes sikavela jekh aspekto kotar lengo socijalno statuso, majbut olengere situacija ande sistemo vaš sastipaski sama. O filmo, e na-profesionalno akteroncar sikavela olengi personalno storija thaj olengeri eksperienca ano sakodivesesko trrajo kote so olengere manušikane hakaj si phagerdine thaj sikavde trujal o temato Epizoda…

Ande filmosko palpalipe/background naj muzika, ko muzikako than si čhutine krle/glasura kotar o sakodivesesko trajo. Kade/kidijal kerela pes zuraleder dramatika kana e manuša so dikhen o filmo dikhen vi e Nazifesko, leske rromnako e Senadako thaj e duje čhajengo nango čorolo trajo save so dživen ande jekh cikno gav ande Bosna thaj Hercegovina. O Nazif kerel love vaš leski familija kodolesar so khedel sastrn thaj javera mealura, legarela olen ko lokalno depo kote so olenge lela love.Olengo sakodivesipe kana e Nazifeski phari/khamni rromni hasarela peskere nabijame čhavores thaj o mulo fetuso vi dureder si an lako per.Sostar e Senada naj sastipasko siguriteto, olake ano hošpitalo/sastimasko kher na dena tretmano thaj te manglas te kerel kodo i familija musaj te pokinel 980 Bosnakere marke (500 euro). O Nazif trubuj te arakhel alternativno solucija sostar e Senadaki sastipaski situacija si but bilačhes.

E manuša save o dikhen o filmo hačaren o pharipe katar kodi traumatikani decizija thaj trujal kodo simpatizirinena e protagonistoncar an lengi dramatikani zor te ačhoven dživde. O postsocijalistikano them thaj olesko sastipasko sistemo savo na dela e manušenge sastipaski sama/griža an lengi but bilačhi ekonomikani situacija našti te len sastipasko siguripe, terdžon sar antagonisto.Kodolesatar, amen šaj te dikhas e Epizoda… sar drama. Džikote o Tanovic dela jekh objektivno, numa vi solidarno dikhipe, i kamera džal pala e subjektura, pala e familija thaj buhleder komuniteta pe jekh privatnikano modo/režimo. Maškar e javera phursaka/prizura, Epizoda… lijas e Žirsko Grand Prix pe 63-to Berlin Internacionalno Filmosko Festivalo thaj o Nazif Mujic, pe kodo Festivalo lijas Rupunali Ričini vaš Majlačho Aktero.


66 kritike, dikh

Möller, Olaf: Film Comment; New York 49.3 (May/Jun 2013): 60-63.

Murtic, Dino: Post-Yugoslav Cinema. Towards a Cosmopolitan Imagining, Springer, 2015.

Zajec, Špela: Esma’s Secret, No Man’s Land and consumption patterns in war-torn territories,
Studies in Eastern European Cinema, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2013), 199-214.

Oficijalno sinopsiso

Nazif barely makes ends meet as an iron picker to support his family. He searches daily for scrap metal while his partner Senada tends to their home and their two young daughters. A third baby is on the way.
After a long day’s work, Nazif finds Senada laid up in pain. The following day, he borrows a car to drive her to the nearest clinic. The diagnosis is that Senada has miscarried and is still carrying her dead five-month old fetus. The condition is critical and Senada needs immediate treatment at a faraway city hospital.
Because she does not have a state-provided health insurance card, the hospital requests that Senada pay 980 Bosnian marks (500 euros), a fortune for a modest iron picker. Despite Nazif’s begging, Senada is denied the crucial surgery and forced to return home to their Roma community in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For the next 10 days, Nazif will do everything he can to try and save Senada’s life - desperately searching for more scrap metal, seeking help from state institutions… For the next 10 days, Nazif and Senada will be fully exposed to the callousness of contemporary society.

Reprodukcijali lista

An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker
2 min
Danis Tanović | An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker | Fiction | Bosnien und Herzegowina | 2013 | fil_00329
Rights held by: Danis Tanović | Licensed by: The Match Factory | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Danis Tanović – Private Archive


original title
Epizoda u zivotu beraca zeljeza
Koperantora/manuša so lije than
Produkcijaki kompanija
Rekordirimo tipo
single object
Objektesko numero
Objektosko numero
Medijakere kotora
Objektosko numero
vramako thavdipe
2 min.
51.2 MB
1280 x 720 / H.264
Objektosko numero
Medijakere kotora
Objektosko numero
vramako thavdipe
1 min.
25.3 MB
1920 x 1080 / 16:9 / H.264

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