

Group of Roma flamenco artists in Granada

Enrique Linares | Group of Roma flamenco artists in Granada | poštaki karta | Espania | 1910 | fla_00014

Rights held by: Enrique Lineares (photo) I Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) | Licensed by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) I Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (Jerez de la Frontera/Spain)

Enrique Linares | Group of Roma flamenco artists in Granada | poštaki karta | Espania | 1910 | fla_00014 Rights held by: Enrique Lineares (photo) I Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) | Licensed by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) I Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (Jerez de la Frontera/Spain)


Rights held by: Enrique Lineares (photo) I Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) | Licensed by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (reproduction) I Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Centro Andaluz de Documentación del Flamenco (Jerez de la Frontera/Spain)


Gruppe von Roma-Flamenco-Künstlern, die Zambra Gitana (traditioneller Flamenco aus Granada) in traditioneller Kleidung darbieten um 1910 in Granada.
Fotografie von Enrique Lineras.


übersetzer Titel
Guppe von Roma-Flamenco-Künstler_innen in Granada
trujal 1910
Kreditora pala e produkcija
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  • kalo thaj parno
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