E Jessica Reidy sî avtorka thaj sitjarel Anglistika ka LIM College ando New York City, USA. Laki xarni priča »We Rise Up« (Amen uštas) sas nominirime pala »Pushcart Prize« thaj sas losardi ando »Narrative Magazine” sar ›Xarni priča le kurkêski‹. Lako esejo »Madness is Remembering« ›Tubêričimos sî memorija‹) njerisardja o »Penelope Nivens award« pala kreativno nafikcionalno ramomos. Lakê buća ankliste ande l’ žurnalur »The Los Angeles Review«, »Prairie Schooner«, »Arsenic Lobster«, »Quail Bell Magazine«, thaj vi ande avera. E Jessica sî editorka pala »The VIDA Review«.
La Jessicaki mamaki mami sas Sintica thaj khêlitorka ande Evropa. E Jessica śinavel but katar peskê aktivitetur thaj katar pesko ramomos kodoleske, te vazdel o haćarimos pa Řomengê čačimata, te peravel le bimalade stereotipur kontra le Řom thaj te promotil řomane avtorur, artistur thaj aktivistur. Voj sîćarel joga thaj praktike, save akharel voj ›Familijako bizniso‹ kodja sî specifično o drabarimos, sastjarimos l’ energijasa thaj khêlimos. Pe kaća vrjama (2017) ramol voj peski angluji knjiga.
E Jessica sî jek aktivno bloggerka thaj kontributorka ka l’ digitalni medije. Lakê poemur, intervjuur thaj knjikakê recenzije ankljen maj but ande l’ digitalni žurnalur »Luna Luna«, »Quail Bell«, thaj »Arsenic Lobster«.
(Translacija: Mozes F. Heinschink)
Reidy, Jessica. 2017. »Madness is remembering«. Prairie Schooner 91/2: 33–38.
Reidy, Jessica. 2015. »Esmeralda Declines an Interview«. The Missouri Review. Blog. 29 May 2015. https://perma.cc/7TAB-WH2J [https://www.missourireview.com/esmeralda-declines-an-interview/]
Reidy, Jessica. 2015. »Poems by Jessica Reidy: ›In the Oven‹, ›Night and Night‹, ›Gulls Calling over Corcaigh‹«. Luna Luna. 2 December 2015. https://perma.cc/HW25-8KK7 [http://www.lunalunamagazine.com/blog/cwohs7v67yml3lwma4n6bs1j3bqx82]
Reidy, Jessica. 2014. »Murder and Tradition«. First published on »Infoxicated Corner: Political Punch: Poems by Jessica Reidy«. 9 September 2014. https://perma.cc/44EY-V7U3 [http://www.thethepoetry.com/2014/09/infoxicated-corner-political-punch-poems-by-jessica-reidy/]
Reidy, Jessica. 2016. »Murder and Tradition«. In: Political Punch: Contemporary Poems on the Politics of Identity, ed. Fox Frazier-Foley and Erin Elizabeth Smith. Sundress Publications.
Reidy, Jessica. 2014. »Infoxicated Corner. Poems by Jessica Reidy«. https://perma.cc/YDG8-EP5T [https://web.archive.org/web/20151002211205/http://www.thethepoetry.com/2014/11/infoxicated-corner-poems-by-jessica-reidy/]
Reidy, Jessica. 2013. »Free Spirits«. Quail Bell Magazine. August 20, 2013. https://perma.cc/9735-T2K8 [http://www.quailbellmagazine.com/the-unreal/photo-tale-free-spirits]
Reidy, Jessica. 2012/13. »We Rise Up«. Narrative Magazine.com. https://perma.cc/ZHH7-6NYG [http://www.narrativemagazine.com/issues/stories-week-2012-2013/story-week/we-rise-jessica-reidy]
Reidy, Jessica. s.a. »Why the Pyres Are Unlit«. Drunken Boat 22. https://perma.cc/FFR9-M9NP [http://www.drunkenboat.com/db22/romani/jessica-reidy]