The poster is a part of the Džas bare dromeha project. The poster design is compiled from the edited fragments of posters and graphics used by Black Panther Party in the US in 60’s and 70’s years of 20th century. The author of original Black Panther posters is Emory Douglas. Ladislava used some Emory’s motifs corresponding with the situations of Roma people in nowadays. She keeps the original poster slogans and translated it into Romani language. She also edited faces and surroundings showed on posters to make it closer to the European context.Ladislava is looking for the commonalities between the Roma position and the position of other oppressed nations and ethnic groups through the post-colonial point of view, so the Afro-american liberation movements have become a logical point of departure and a inspiration.
Roma Panthers
Ladislava Gažiová | Roma Panthers | printo | bipindžardo | 2016 | vis_00084
Rights held by: Ladislava Gažiová | Licensed by: Ladislava Gažiová | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Ladislava Gažiová – Private Archive
Rights held by: Ladislava Gažiová | Licensed by: Ladislava Gažiová | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Ladislava Gažiová – Private Archive
Kreditora pala e produkcija
- Ladislava Gažiová (Artisto)
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