Florin Salam (arabicika pes phenel lačho ďives, Mjeros) hino adaďives nekbareder gilundo andro manele andre Rumunija.
Florin Salam – Manele vokalno sikhaviben
O Florin Stojan pes uľiľas andro berš 1979 andre lăutariko fameľija (so hine profesionalna romane lavutara) andre Bukurešťa the andre Rumunija. Sar barolas ta has lavutaris the giľošis le dadeha the le bačiha andro suboris. Leskeri specijalizacija has pro lăutar repertoaris (foreskere romane giľa the kheľibnaskere giľa).
O Stojan iľas scenakero nav Florin Fermecătorul (Čarovno), kana pes visarďas ča kijo giľa manele. Sar bariľas, ta leskeri peršo giľi pes ačhiľas baro hitos. Andro berš 2002 le Stojaneskero prindžaripen džalas hiroha, preiľas aver nav Florin Salam. O Salam sako berš kerel but hita, but dromarel andro aver thema, sako kamel leskere giľa the kheratune džene. Leskero štilos chudľas igen bares jilestar le manelişten (manele giľoša).
Terne foroskere giľoša, so pes uľile pal o agoripen le komunisten, pro sikhaviben – Sorin Copilul de Aur (Somnakuno čhavoro), avka istes sar foroskere the gaveskere lăutara pal calo Rumuňiciko ži akana keren isto štilos sar o bare celebriti andal e Bukurešťa, nekbuteder Salam.

Florin Salam. Bucharest, Romania, 2014. Sala Palatului.
Credit: Daniel Robert Dinu. Used with permission of Marian Colcea.
Adaďiveseskeri manela varekana chudel agoripnaha loke ritmoha, kaj o giľošis sikhavel peskeri vokalno virtuozita the techňicko džaňiben le melismaticko ornamentacijaha; kaja konvencija buteder kerďas o Salam. Andre varesave sekciji pes o giľoša so zastupinen varekana harmonizinen le manelistenca the opakinen o verša.
Constantine, Constantine [O Constantin, Constantin]. Florin Salam (vocals). Traditional Romanian lyric song in manele style, including free-rhythm introduction. Live at Outernational Days 2 Music Festival. Bucharest, Romania, 2017.
Credit: Dragoş Rusu.
Buteder maneleskera verša hine phende andre peršo osoba, pal o muršikano dikhľiben (o giľoša hine čisto murša) sikhaven deklaracija pal o eroticko kamiben, avka istes sar he paťiv la famelijake.
A ieşit soarele din nori [The sun has come out from behind the clouds]. Florin Salam (vocals). Live at Outernational Days 2 Music Festival. Bucharest, Romania, 2017.
Credit: Dragoş Rusu.
Aver pes šaj ašaren barvaľipnaha, zoraha, lovenca, bare kherenca, kuč motorenca, kuč dromenca the šukar džuvľenca. Rušado manuš (dušman) hino buteder sikhado, bo hamišagos the ruš andre avre dženende hin sikhaviben kala bara zora. O teksta hin andre rumuňiciko čhib.
Bašavbnaskere videja zoraren temi andre manela le sňimkenca, andre save hine zorale muršikane manelista, buteder sikhade le seksi džuvľenca the aver vecenca so sikhaven lengero than.
Poza ta nu mă sărută [Your photo doesn’t kiss me]. Florin Salam (vocals). Commercial recording. Bucharest, Romania, 2015.
Credit: Big Man Romania/Marian Colcea.
Andro kada štilos hiňi thoďi e tradicijakeri paťiv pro bijav abo andro klubi. O hosťa poťinen o love le manelistenge vaš o “paťivale” giľa avrenge, le dženenge so hin kodoj. O giľa vakeren pal o baripen, bacht, resľipen, šukar romňi abo kamiben kijo peskero čhavoro – vakeren perdal o giľošis kije dženeste so oslavinel.
Nuntă împărătească [Imperial wedding]. Florin Salam (vocals). Romani wedding, Buzescu, Romania, 2013. Free-rhythm introduction; twice the groom’s father hands Salam €50 asking him to dedicate this song to his beloved son.
Credit: Marian Colcea
O Manela keren na dikhutne vesmira, so chuden jilestar le čhoren the le marde dženen, aľe tiš zoraren čujiben, hoj hine bare, lengero than maškar o barvale the maškar o bertenošiko džene andre Rumuňiciko jekhetaňiben.
Rights held by: Margaret Beissinger (text) — Martin Gális — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed by: Margaret Beissinger (text) — Martin Gális — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive