

Margaret Beissinger

Sile Dorel

O Sile Dorel uľiľas andro berš 1972, hino prominentno lăutaris (profesionalno romano lavutaris, množno numeris Lăutari), so bašavel pre harmoňika.

Sile Dorel. Bucharest, Romania, 2017

Licensed by: Sile Păun | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Sile Păun – Private Archive

Bešel andre Bukurešťa andro barvalo centros pro južno Rumunsko lăutariko bašaviben peskera romňaha la Štefanijaha (hiňi čhaj prindžarutnes – Nicolae Feraruskeri, so bašavel pre cimbaľba) the duje čhavorenca so uľile andro 90’ beršeste.

O Sile hino andal o lungo šoros le lăutarendar, so peskero bašavibnaskero džaňiben peske preden le dadestar pro čhavo. Akordeonistas Tudor Păun (1936 – 2001), kerelas buťi but berša andro prindžarutno rumunciko štatno suboris. O Sile pes sikhavlas te bašavel pre harmoňika peskere eňa beršendar the dešuštar beršendar bašavel pro bijav. Leskero čhavo o Orlando, so pes uľiľas andro berš 1997, bašavelas andro dešupandž berša profesionalnones. E čhaj e Mădălina hiňi sikhľarďi pre univerzita the te šaj ta giľavel le Sileha.

Sile Dorel and his son Orlando. Bucharest, Romania, 2013

Licensed by: Sile Păun | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Sile Păun – Private Archive

Le Siles o džene kamen, hoj te bašavel pro bijav, mulatišaga, pre boňa the andro reštauraciji andre Bukurešťa. Bašavelas andre zapadno Evropa the andre Amerika the has pre butederende cedečka, sar baro džandlo lăutaris. O Side bašavel oda so leskero zakazňikos kamel. Nekbuteder rumuncike tradične giľa the kheľiben lăutarsko bašaviben. Kheratune bulharcike etnopopska giľa / khelibnaskero žanros the maškarthemutno popularno bašaviben.


Hora Mare [Great hora] from Oltenia (southern Romania), Romani wedding. Village near Piteşti, Romania, 2017. Sile Dorel (accordion)

Le Sileonskero nekfeder žanros so leske pre dzeka hin inštrumentalno lăutarsko kheľibnaskero bašaviben. Pro nav duple-meter lăutar abo “Romaňi skala” (horă lăutărească sau horă ţigănească), hin popularno maškar o Rumuna he maškar o Roma. Khelel pes solo maškar o murša the džuvľa. Furt pes bašavel andro traf (cikno suboris, sar so hin o Sile Dorel Taraf), so hino sthodo le južne rumuncike lăutarska inštrumentala (akordeon, cimbaľba, lavuta, terdžarde basa, klarinetos the nane olestar but le sintezatoris, savo hino andro romane grupi všadzik).

Hora lui Trump [Hora for Trump], a horă mişcată [Lively hora] that begins with Sile Dorel announcing his connections to the United States. The Sile Dorel Taraf. Bucharest, Romania, 2017. Sile Dorel (accordion), Florian Cioc (cimbalom), Viorel Bădoi (violin), Florin Bolocan (upright bass), George Oprea (clarinet), and Daniel Costache keyboard)

Rights held by: Sile Păun (performance) — Shaun Williams (recording) | Licensed by: Sile Păun (performance) — Shaun Williams (recording) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Shaun Williams – Private Archive

O videa pal o lautar horas sikhavel kompozično the sikhado sikhľiben Sile, savo demonštrinel buteder ikonicko baro le lăutar štilos.

Hora Fetelor [Girls’ hora], with unmetered cimbalom introduction followed by horă lentă [slow hora]. The Sile Dorel Taraf. Bucharest, Romania, 2017. Sile Dorel (accordion and band leader), Florian Cioc (cimbalom), Viorel Bădoi (violin), Florin Bolocan (upright bass), George Oprea (clarinet), and Daniel Costache keyboard)

Rights held by: Sile Păun (performance) — Shaun Williams (recording) | Licensed by: Sile Păun (performance) — Shaun Williams (recording) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Shaun Williams – Private Archive

Rights held by: Margaret Beissinger (text) — Martin Gális — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed by: Margaret Beissinger (text) — Martin Gális — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: RomArchive