Romano poetos, maljaris the sikhľardo Károli Bari irinel:
Giľi pal e Aušvica
“O teštos pal o romano folkloris ľikerel o holokaustos andre manušeskeri goďi ...kerel polimorfno sikhaviben nakamiben, sar šoros, avri dineskere popki the phenel o nava pal e bibacht, so lengere pindrore dživľaren o kalo šoros le parsunengeren pale the pale.”
Te hin jekhoro sthoďipen andro varekanutno Československo, savo sikhavel le Barijoskeri goďi, ta oda hin “Aušvicate hin kher baro”. Thode verziji kale sthoďipengeri hin len, sar kaj andral o duj andro šov abo efta poeti. O pisiben sikhavel markarsave buťakere kondiciji andro koncentračno taboris, e rola le phurederen andro blokos he mek sikhavel kerďi zor.
Maj eňavardeš procenta Roma the Sinta, so dživenas pro than andro Čechiko has perdal o dujto mariben murdarde andro koncentračno tabora, the so predžiďile andral e famelija peske ľikeren teluno profilos, ži do adaďives. Le RomArchiv hin trin phende lava andral o terenos, so ča kavka ňikas nane “Aušvicate”, the kalaha charňaha verzijaha, so pes kerďas Prahate la Barkaha Pelcovo. Audio phenďipen: Aušvicate hin kher baro, giľaďi la Barkaha Pelcovo.
Aušvicate hi kher baro
Aušvicate hin kher baro
Odoj bešel mro pirano
Ej, bešel, bešel, gondoľinel
The pre mande pobisterel
Khatar Ruska bavlal phurdel
Mro pirano už man mukhel
Mukhel, mukhel pharipnaha
Kaj naphenďom ačh Devleha
Lungi verzija gilaďas Margita Nová andro Hranicko than pre Morava.
E Barka Pelcovo predžiďiľas, ča aščal kada, hoj jekh dozorcas pes zakamaďas andre jekhate džuvľate andral lakeri fameľija. O stražcas mentinďas vajkeci dženen andral e fameľija pal o kidlo taboris, kaj has andre phandle the užarenas pro transportos andre Aušvica. La fameľijakeri tradicija vakerel kavka, hoj o stražcas has nasigeder viľimen nacistenca vaš leskero kamiben.
“Labarde cala peskra famelija – the ta he man avri labarde.”
La Barkakero dad the phral predžiďile teluno taboris Mauhausen. O dad igen but ľikerelas o čačipena the tradiciji la romaňa grupakeri, so jekh na domukhel te labarel le dženes, sar merel. Avka istes le vakeribnaha pro holokaustos has šundo te vakerel: “Labarde mira cala fameľija – ta me labaren tiš he man?” Te šunel kada žičiben, thode leskere čhavore, so pal leste ačhiľas andre urna – sar simbolis bari devastacija, savi e fameľija mek leperel.
Rights held by: Petra Gelbart (text) — Martin Gális (translation) — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed by: Petra Gelbart (text) — Martin Gális (translation) — Iveta Kokyová (translation) | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC 3.0 Germany | Provided by: RomArchive