

92 rezultatora pala o »Pócsik Andrea«

...Andrea Pócsik Deskripcija »Romane rolje« sar drumo te dekonstrunirinel pes e »Javera« ko animirime filmora Eszter Lázár and Christian Gasser Romane džuvlengi deskripcija anglal thaj pala i kamera Bohumira Smidakova
...Andrea Pócsik Romani literatura an Britanjia thaj Australija – jek pregledo Paola Toninato
Karin Berger, 2005, fil_00289
...Andrea Pócsik (2017) Reprodukcijali lista The Green Green Grass Beneath 633 min fil_00289 Karin Berger | The Green Green Grass Beneath | Non Fiction | Österreich | 2005 | fil_00289 Rights held by: Karin Berger | Licensed by: Navigator Film Produktion | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Navigator Film Produktion (Vienna/Austria) Detalura original title Unter den Brettern hellgrünes Gras Them Österreich Produkcija 2005 Kreditora Karin Berger (Režisero) Koperantora/manuša so lije than Ce...
...Andrea Pócsik
Karin Berger, 1999, fil_00158
...Andrea Pócsik (2017) Oficijalno sinopsiso URL: Reprodukcijali lista Ceija Stojka 212 min fil_00158 Karin Berger | Ceija Stojka | Non Fiction | Österreich | 1999 | fil_00158 Rights held by: Karin Berger | Licensed by: Navigator Film Produktion | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Navigator Film Produktion (Vienna/Austria) DE DE DE Detalura Them Österreich Produkcija 1999 Kreditora Karin Berger (Režisero) Johannes Rosenberger (Producento, ...
...Andrea Pócsik Teatro Romansa Igor Krykunov and Daniela Mitrović La literaturaki Řomengi bući ande Poljska Emilia Kledzik O patreto la Řomnjako kaj ramol Sofiya Zahova Romengo Mishkipe ki Polska Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka and Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz
Laura Halilovic, 2010, fil_00240
...Andrea Pócsik (2017) Reprodukcijali lista Me, My Gypsy Family and Woody Allen 3.03 min fil_00240 Laura Halilovic | Me, My Gypsy Family and Woody Allen | Non Fiction | Italija, Rimo | 2010 | fil_00240 Rights held by: Laura Halilovic | Licensed by: Zenit Arti Audiovisive | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Zenit Arti Audiovisive (Turin/Italy) Detalura original title Io, la mia famiglia rom e Woody Allen Them Italija, Rimo Produkcija 2010 Kreditora Laura Halilovic (Režisero) Laura Halilo...
Damian James Le Bas, 2014, fil_00269
...Andrea Pócsik (2017) Reprodukcijali lista Riley Smith - Portrait of an English Gypsy Tap Dancer 425 min fil_00269 Damian James Le Bas | Riley Smith - Portrait of an English Gypsy Tap Dancer | Non Fiction | Khetanutno Thagaripe kotar i Bari Britanija vi Upruni Irlanda | 2014 | fil_00269 Rights held by: Damian James Le Bas | Licensed by: Damian James Le Bas | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Notown Productions (United Kingdom) | More at: Notown Productions Detalura Them...
Leonor Teles, 2016, fil_00379
...Andrea Pócsik (2017) Oficijalno sinopsiso URL: Reprodukcijali lista Batrachian’s Ballad 33 min fil_00379 Leonor Teles | Batrachian’s Ballad | Non Fiction | Portugalija | 2016 | fil_00379 Rights held by: Leonor Teles | Licensed by: Portugal Film | Licensed under: Rights of Use | Provided by: Portugal Film (Lisbon/Portugal) Detalura original title Balada de um Batráquio Them Portugalija Produkcija 2016 Kreditora Leonor Teles (Režisero) Leonor Tel...
...Andrea Pócsik The dawn of Romany dramaturgy in the Spanish state Helios Fernández Garcés Mario Maya – A Revolutionary Roma Belén Maya I Istorija kotar e Romane Asocijativno miškipa Espanijate Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka
...Andrea Pócsik Stungo rigeske narativora thaj filmengi prezentacija panle e Romencar Andrea Pócsik Le Řom, »jeg narodo bi ramomasko«? Paola Toninato Archive (16) Camelamos Naquerar Miguel Alcobendas, 1976, fil_00149 Cigányok Sandor Sara, 1962, fil_00057 Amaro drom - Naše cesta Viliam Poltikovič, 1984, fil_00369 I even met happy Gypsies Aleksandar Petrovic, 1967, fil_00338 Koportos Livia Gyarmathy, 1979, fil_00069 Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven Emil Loteanu, 1976, fil_00455 Just the Wind Benedek Fl...
...Andrea Pócsik Appearance: Understanding Romani characters on screen and the use of Romani (Caló, Boyash, Sinti, Angloromani) in various filmic representations The year 1975 saw the premiere of Camelamos naquerar, a title in Caló which, as Andrea Pocsik points out in her essay on language, translates as ‘We want to speak’. This linguistic gesture is extremely important in establishing resistance to the representation of the official cinematographic apparatus. The film’s use of flamenco is markedl...