A List of Office Holders at the International Romani Union
International Romani Union (IRU), 24. Juli 2000 - 28. Juli 2000, rom_30007

A Report of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Human Dimension Seminar on Roma
Thomas Acton, 20. September 1994 - 24. September 1994, rom_30009

Group portrait with Tivadar Fatyol and Tamas Peli
János Bársony, 1981, rom_20002
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Broadening the Struggle
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_3
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Danger of co-option of youth and intellectuals
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_4
Interview with Grattan Puxon. First World Romani Congress
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_1
Interview with Grattan Puxon. Strategies of non-violent resistence
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045_2

The Final Declarations Skopje World Romani Congress
International Romani Union (IRU), 2016, rom_30002
The Politics of Romani Mobilization
Ioana Constantinescu, 2017, rom_30045

The Report of 5th World Romani Congress
Thomas Acton, 2000, rom_30006

The Skopje Congress Delegates visting Shuto Orisare
Thomas Acton, 2016, rom_30004