An Interview with Romani Rose of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Jan Selling, 16. Juni 2016, rom_00011

2015/2615(RSP) - 15/04/2015 Text adopted by European Parliament
European Parliament, 15. April 2015, rom_00023

3rd World Roma Congress in Göttingen
Adam Bartosz, 16. Mai 1981 - 20. Mai 1981, Rom_10080

Adam Bartosz, 8. April 1990, rom_10147
Achievements of Roma Youth Activism
Agnieszka Południak, 2017 - 2018-01, rom_10184

A Critical Review of the Cripps Report by the Association of Gypsy & Romani Organisations
Donald Kenrick, 1977-06, rom_30015

A delegation of the Comité International Rom from Paris
Jean-Pierre Liegeois, 1972, rom_90002

A Demonstration against neo-fascists in Eger, 11th July 1993
Judit Sárközi, Attila Kovács, rom_20012

A List of Office Holders at the International Romani Union
International Romani Union (IRU), 24. Juli 2000 - 28. Juli 2000, rom_30007

Andrzej Mirga's Electoral Flyer 1993
Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union Poland), 1993, Rom_10042
Anti-roma pogroms during communism
Agnieszka Południak, 2017, rom_10046

A Photograph of Agnes Daroczi in 1972
Lajos Nadorfi, 1972, rom_20013

A Record of a Meeting with a British Government, Environment Minister
Donald Kenrick, 1977, rom_30014

A Report of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Human Dimension Seminar on Roma
Thomas Acton, 20. September 1994 - 24. September 1994, rom_30009

A Report on the Situation of Roma in the United States, c.1988
Thomas Acton, 1988, rom_30008

Association of Gypsy Organisations / National Gypsy Education Council Information Leaflet
Thomas Acton, 1978, rom_30013

Aufruf des Zentralrat-Komitees der Cinti
Romani Rose, 1972, rom_00042
"Be young Be Roma" a European Roma Youth Summit documentary
Sami Mustafa, 1. April 2010 - 10. April 2010, rom_10033

Bild: 1979_Bergen Belsen. Auf Bildrechte der GfbV hinweisen.
Friedrich Stark, 27. Oktober 1979, rom_00043

Booklet of 2014 Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative "Dikh h na bister!"
ternYpe – International Roma Youth Network, 2014-07, Rom_10009
Busy Years of Roma [in Finland]
Marko Stenroos, rom_70023

unknown, 1963 - 1982, Rom_10087

unknown, 2016, rom_00009
Commemorating the Roma Holocaust
Agnieszka Południak, 2017, rom_10050

Jean-Pierre Liegeois, 1959, rom_90001

Dachau 1980. Kranzniederlegung
unknown, 4. April 1980, rom_00019

Delegation of the Comité International Rom de Paris
Jean-Pierre Liegeois, 1972, rom_90003

Demonstration in Lappeenranta in 1969 for Roma rights
unknown, 1969, rom_70006

Des statuts de l'Office National des Affaires Tsiganes - ONAT
Office National des Affaires Tsiganes (ONAT), 25. Januar 1983, rom_90010
Empowerment & Mobilisation of Roma Youth
Israel Ramírez, 5. Mai 2009 - 10. Mai 2009, rom_10028

Erste Demonstration Heidelberg 1973
unknown, 18. Juni 1973, rom_00018

"First European Roma Youth Congress" in Barcelona, 1997
unknown, 1997, rom_10106

"First International Roma Congress of the European Union" held in Seville in 1994
unknown, 1994, rom_10105

First issue of the bi-weekly newspaper "Nevipens Romani"
Unión Romaní Española, 15. Mai 1986, rom_10101

Foundation of the Fédération tsigane de France in 1981
Jean-Pierre Liegeois, 26. Januar 1981, rom_90007

Gelem gelem memorabilia dedicated to Juan De Dios and signed by Jarko Jovanovic
unknown, 1978, rom_10116

Group portrait with Tivadar Fatyol and Tamas Peli
János Bársony, 1981, rom_20002

Gypsies go to the House for talks
unknown, 1951, rom_30050

Hot Chocolate International 2015 Prague
David Tišer, 2015, rom_20014

Inauguration of Kamira - the Federation of Roma Women Associations, 1999
unknown, 1999, rom_10155