3rd World Roma Congress in Göttingen
Adam Bartosz, 16. Mai 1981 - 20. Mai 1981, Rom_10080

Adam Bartosz, 8. April 1990, rom_10147
Achievements of Roma Youth Activism
Agnieszka Południak, 2017 - 2018-01, rom_10184
A False Dawn : My Life as a Gypsy Woman in Slovakia
Elena Lacková, 2000, lit_00643

Andrzej Mirga's Electoral Flyer 1993
Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union Poland), 1993, Rom_10042

An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker
Danis Tanović, 2013, fil_00329
"Be young Be Roma" a European Roma Youth Summit documentary
Sami Mustafa, 1. April 2010 - 10. April 2010, rom_10033

Bi kheresqo bi limoresqo = Sans maison sans tombe
Rajko Djurić, Marcel Courthiade, 1990, lit_00039

unknown, 1963 - 1982, Rom_10087
Commemorating the Roma Holocaust
Agnieszka Południak, 2017, rom_10050
Dade, kin mange grastores = Köp en häst, far!
Leksa Manuš, lit_00571
Empowerment & Mobilisation of Roma Youth
Israel Ramírez, 5. Mai 2009 - 10. Mai 2009, rom_10028

"First European Roma Youth Congress" in Barcelona, 1997
unknown, 1997, rom_10106

"First International Roma Congress of the European Union" held in Seville in 1994
unknown, 1994, rom_10105

First issue of the bi-weekly newspaper "Nevipens Romani"
Unión Romaní Española, 15. Mai 1986, rom_10101

Meshakai Wolf, 2011, fil_00187
Luminiţa Mihai Cioabă, lit_00493

Rajko Djurić, lit_00300

Gelem gelem memorabilia dedicated to Juan De Dios and signed by Jarko Jovanovic
unknown, 1978, rom_10116

Inauguration of Kamira - the Federation of Roma Women Associations, 1999
unknown, 1999, rom_10155

Invitation by Spanish Romani Union to the 1st European Congress of Gypsy Youth
Unión Romaní Española, 16. Mai 1997, Rom_10024

Juan de Dios Ramírez Heredia congress speech, 1978
unknown, 7. Juni 1978, rom_10169
Juan De Dios Ramirez Heredia - his work and Legacy interview with Pedro Aguilera Cortés
Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, 2017, rom_10164
Alija Krasnići, lit_00629
Alija Krasnići, lit_00113
Lilyana Kovatcheva reads her story “So si te nakhel te šereste, ka nakhel”
Lilyana Kovatcheva, Lilyana Kovatcheva, Sofiya Zahova, 2017-09-15, lit_00124

Meeting between Sero Rom, Henryk Kozłowski and the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jacek Kuroń
Piotr Wójcik, 19. Oktober 1992, Rom_10052

Meeting with Roma organized by the Secretariado Gitano in Murcia 1969
unknown, 1969, rom_10158

Me, My Gypsy Family and Woody Allen
Laura Halilovic, 2010, fil_00240
Leksa Manuš, lit_00621

Narodila jsem se pod šťastnou hvězdou
Elena Lacková, 1997, lit_00111

Official Poster for Romani Week Festival 2015 #1
David Ajiri, 2015, dan_00407

Joanna Kos-Krauze, 2013, fil_00078

Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce, 1994, Rom_10061
Participation in the parliamentary elections
Agnieszka Południak, 2017, rom_10048

Phiren Amenca annual report 2015
2016, rom_10131

Bronisława Wajs, lit_00139

Valerică Stănescu, 2017, lit_00656

Portrait of Małgorzata Mirga from a social campaign "Some among many" ("Jedni z wielu")
Chad Evans Wyatt, 2000 - 2004, rom_10143

Press conference of Unión de Centro Democratico political party, 1977
unknown, 1977, rom_10117