Portraits by American photographer Chad Evans Wyatt, are a part of a campaign „Some among many” (“Jedni z wielu”). “Some among many” is a campaign organized in Poland by Foundation for Social Integration Prom. It aims to target the prejudice of Poles towards Roma minority. Romani frequently face prejdujice or other barriers that impede their social integration. “Some among many” are those who lead normal lives, and give example that if no obstacles are created by local communities, they lead lifes of exemplary citizens.
Portrait of Małgorzata Mirga from a social campaign "Some among many" ("Jedni z wielu")
Chad Evans Wyatt | Portrait of Małgorzata Mirga from a social campaign "Some among many" ("Jedni z wielu") | Fotografie | Polen | 2000 - 2004 | rom_10143
Rights held by: Chad Evans Wyatt | Licensed by: Chad Evans Wyatt | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Chad Evans Wyatt – Private Archive | More at: RomaRising
Rights held by: Chad Evans Wyatt | Licensed by: Chad Evans Wyatt | Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International | Provided by: Chad Evans Wyatt – Private Archive | More at: RomaRising
original title
Portrait of Małgorzata Mirga-Tas from a social campaign "Some among many" ("Jedni z wielu")
preferred title
Portrait of Małgorzata Mirga-Tas from a social campaign "Some among many" ("Jedni z wielu")
circa 2000 - circa 2004
- Chad Evans Wyatt (Fotograf_in)